Referred Journals
(SCI 論文共194篇,加註 * 為corresponding author. Web of Science: H index >40, total citations >5194; Google Scholars: H index >46, total citations >7176) (查詢AU=(Tsai CJ)) AND AD=(Chiao tung univ same environm or Univ Minnesota )
Nichakran Vichayarom, Kata Jaruwongrangsee, Panich Intra, Thi-Cuc Le, Chuen-Jinn Tsai, John Morris, Racha Dejchanchaiwong, and Perapong Tekasakul, 2025, Use of electric field to enhance collection of ultrafine particles using quartz crystal microbalance. Journal of Aerosol Science, 184: 106495.
Thi-Thuy-Nghiem Nguyen, Thi-Cuc Le, Zheng-Yu Peng, Tang-Yu Kuo, Sheng-Chieh Chen, Ken-Mu Chang, Chuen-Jinn Tsai*, 2025. Street dust properties and effective control of secondary particle emission from vacuum street sweepers using composite filters, Separation and Purification Technology, 354: 129065.
Thi-Cuc Le, Yao-Yu Tsai, Chia C. Wang, Chuen-Jinn Tsai*. 2025. Single-stage NBI sampler for PM1 mass and five-stage NBI-NMCI sampler for PM1 mass distribution measurements, Journal of Aerosol Science, 183: 106479
Guan-Yu Lin, Yi-Ming Lee, Bo-Wen Chiu, Hsuan-Yu Hsu, Chuen-Wan Chen, Chuen-Jinn Tsai*, 2024. A Comprehensive Study Combing Experiment and CFD Simulation on the Fume Hood Performance for Nanoparticles and Isopropanol Control, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 186: 361-375. (April 9, 2024)
Yung-Sheng Chuang , Abiyu Kerebo Berekute, Hsuan-Yu Hsu, Ho-Sheng Wei, Wen-Cheng Gong, Yu-Wun Chen, Li-Wen Liu, Ya-Yuan Hsu, Chuen-Jinn Tsai*, Kuo-Pin Yu*. (2024). Assessment of Emissions and Exposure in 3D Printing Workplaces in Taiwan. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, 21(4), 270–286 (Mar. 7, 2024)
Yi-Cheng Lin, Yi-Ju Lee, Thi-Thuy-Nghiem Nguyen, Chuen-Jinn Tsai, Huan-Cheng Wen, Cheng-Hung Wu, Wei-Chieh Chang, Chung-Chi Huang. 2023. Assessments of the emission contributions from an ultra-supercritical power plant to ambient PM2.5 in Taiwan. Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 23, 12, 230059.
Thi-Cuc Le, Pallavi Gajanan Barhate, Kai-Jing Zhen, Manisha Mishra, David Y.H. Pui, Chuen-Jinn Tsai*. 2023. Optimization of sampling conditions to minimize sampling errors of both PM2.5 mass and its semi-volatile inorganic ion concentrations, Aerosol Science and Technology, Vol. 57, 12, 1264-1279.
Gung-Hwa Hong; Thi-Cuc Le; Guan-Yu Lin; Hung-Wen Cheng; Jhih-Yuan Yu; Perapong Tekasakul; Chuen-Jinn Tsai*, 2023. Field calibration of low-cost MOS VOC sensors and application for source characterization, Atmos. Environ. 119955.
Prashant Patel, Shankar G. Aggarwal, Thi-Cuc Le, Khem Singh; Daya Soni, Chuen-Jinn Tsai. 2023. Design and development of a PM10 multi-inlet cyclone and comparison with reference cyclones, Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health, Vol. 16, pp. 1955-1968.
Manisha Mishra, Pin-Hsin Chen, Wilfredo Jr. Bisquera, Guan-Yu Lin, Thi-Cuc Le, Racha Dejchanchaiwong, Perapong Tekasakul, Ciao-Wei Jhang, Ci-Jhen Wu, Chuen-Jinn Tsai*. 2023. Source-Apportionment and Spatial Distribution Analysis of VOCs and their Role in Ozone Formation using Machine Learning in Central-west Taiwan, Environmental Research, 232, 116329.
Nguyen, T.T.N., Le, T.C., Sung, Y.T., Cheng, F.Y., Wen, H.C., Wu, C.H., Aggarwal, S.G., Tsai, C.J.*, 2023. The influence of COVID-19 pandemic on PM 2.5 air quality in Northern Taiwan from Q1 2020 to Q2 2021. Journal of Environmental Management, 343, 118252.
Hsueh-Hsing Lu, Ming-Chun Lu, Thi-Cuc Le, Zhiping An, David Y. H. Pui, Chuen-Jinn Tsai*. 2023. Continuous Improvements and Future Challenges of Air Pollution Control at an Advanced Semiconductor Fab. AAQR, 23(5), 230034.
Racha Dejchanchaiwong, Perapong Tekasakul, Apichat Saejio, Thanathip Limna, Thi-Cuc Le, Chuen-Jinn Tsai, Guan-Yu Lin, John Morris. 2023. Seasonal Field Calibration of Low-Cost PM2.5 Sensors in Different Locations with Different Sources in Thailand. Atmosphere, 14(3), 496.
Thi-Cuc Le, Manisha Mishra, Thi-Thuy-Nghiem Nguyen, David Y. H. Pui, Shankar G. Aggarwal, Chao-Ting Hsu, Ssu-Ying Lai, Chuen-Jinn Tsai*, 2023. PPWD-SDEP-IC Monitoring system for Inorganic Precursor Gases and PM2.5 Water-Soluble Ions. Journal of Aerosol Science. Vol. 170, 106160. (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jaerosci.2023.106160) (May, 2023) (4.5, 26/135=19.26%)
Yao Qu, Huikun Liu, Yue Zhou, Wenting Dai, Julian Shi, Nan Wang, Yingqiang Shi, Chongshu Zhu, Chuenjinn Tsai, Junji Cao, 2023. Spectral dependence of light absorption and direct radiative forcing of the TSP, PM10, PM2.5 and PM0.1 in a rural region of northwestern China, Atmospheric Environment, 292, 119417.
Guan-Yu Lin, Yi-Ming Lee, Chuen-Jinn Tsai, Chia-Ying Lin. 2022. Spatial-temporal characterization of air pollutants using a hybrid deep learning/Kriging model incorporated with a weather normalization technique, Atmospheric Environment, 289, 15, 119304.
Barhate Pallavi Gajanan, Thi-Cuc Le, Krishna Kumar Shukla, Zhou-You Lin, Te-Hsien Hsieh, Pei-Yun Shih, Ziyi Li, David Y. H. Pui, Chuen-Jinn Tsai*. 2022. Effect of aerosol sampling conditions on PM2.5 sampling accuracy, Journal of Aerosol Science, 162, 105968.
Feng Jia, Wei Huang, David Y. H. Pui, Chuen-Jinn Tsai*. 2022. An Analytical Solution for Aerosol Penetration in Slip Flow Regime, Journal of Aerosol Science. Journal of Aerosol Science, 159: 105904.
Thi-Cuc Le, Chun-Hsuan Lin, Wen-Cheng Gong, Vladimír Ždímal, David Y.H. Pui, Chuen-Jinn Tsai*. 2022. Novel inertial impactor for nanoparticle classification without particle loading effect. Journal of Aerosol Science, 159: 105879.
Yingshu Liu; Chunyu Zhao; Ziyi Li; Miaomiao Meng; Xiong Yang; Wenbo Bian; Haoyang Wu; Chuanzhao Zhang; Chuen-Jinn Tsai; Ralph T. Yang, 2021. Adsorption and desorption of gaseous naphthalene on carbonaceous sorbents: insights into advantageous pore sizes and morphologies, Journal of Cleaner Production, 314: 127905.
Gung-Hwa Hong, Thi-Cuc Le, Jing-Wei Tu, Chieh Wang, Shuenn-Chin Chang, Jhih-Yuan Yu, Guan-Yu Lin, Shankar G.Aggarwal, Chuen-Jinn Tsai*. 2021. Long-term evaluation and calibration of three types of low-cost PM2.5 sensors at different air quality monitoring stations, Journal of Aerosol Science, 157: 105829.
Feng Jia, Chuen-Jinn Tsai*. 2021. Comment on “Effects of pressure work, viscous dissipation, shear work and axial conduction on convective heat transfer in a microtube, Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 26:101083.
Le, T.C., Hong, G.H., Lin, G.Y., Mirzaei, S., Li, Z., Pui, D.Y.H., Liou, Y.L., Wang, B.T. and Tsai, C. J.* (2021). Long-term test of a scale-up honeycomb wet scrubber for controlling acidic gas emission. Sustainable Environmental Research, 31: 21.
Feng Jia, Yu-Ling Shih, David Y. H. Pui, Zi-Yi Li, Chuen-Jinn Tsai*, 2021. Generation of ZnO Nanoparticles by Chemical Vapor Synthesis Using Quenching Air. Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 23:58 (2021, Jan)
Thi-Cuc Le and Chuen-Jinn Tsai*. 2021. Inertial Impaction Technique for the Classification of Particulate Matters and Nanoparticles: A Review, KONA Powder and Particle Journal, 38: 42-63. (2021, Jan)
Prashant Patel, Shankar Gopala Aggarwal, Chuen-Jinn Tsai, Tomoaki Okuda. 2021. Theoretical and Field Evaluation of a PM2.5 High-Volume Impactor Inlet Design, Atmospheric Environment, 244: 117811. (2021, Jan)
Thi-Cuc Le, Yun-Chin Wang, David Y.H Pui, Chuen-Jinn Tsai*. 2020. Characterization of Atmospheric PM2.5 Inorganic Aerosols Using the Semi-Continuous PPWD-PILS-IC System and ISORROPIA-II, Atmosphere, 11, 820. (2020.08)
Le, T.C., Fu, C.X., Sung, J.C., Li, Z.Y., Pui., D.Y.H. and Chuen-Jinn Tsai*. (2020). The Performance of the PM2.5 VSCC and Oil-Wetted M-WINS in Long-Term Field Sampling Studies. Atmos. Environ., 239, 117804. (2020.10)
Feng Jia, Zi-Yi Li, David Y. H. Pui, Chuen-Jinn Tsai*. (2020). A Detailed Numerical Study of the Droplet Size Distribution Evolution of Dibutyl Phthalate in a Laminar Flow Diffusion Chamber, Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 37(3): 423-433.
Thi-Cuc Le, Krishna Kumar Shukla, Yu-Ting Chen, Shun-Chin Chang, Tsai-Yin Lin, Zi-Yi Li, David Y.H. Pui, Chuen-Jinn Tsai*. (2020). On the concentration differences between PM2.5 FEM monitors and FRM samplers. Atmospheric Environment, 222: 117138.
Yi Xing, Yongkang Cui, Ziyi Li, Yingshu Liu, Danqi Bao, Wei Su, Chuen-Jinn Tsai, Chao-Heng Tseng, Angus Shiue, David Y.H. Pui, Ralph T. Yang. (2020). Getting insight into the influence of coexisting airborne nanoparticles on gas adsorption performance over porous materials, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 386:121928.
Tien, C. Y., Chen, J. P., Li, S., Li, Z., Zheng, Y. M., Peng, A. S., Zhou, F., Tsai, C. J.*, Chen, S. C. (2020). Experimental and theoretical analysis of loading characteristics of different electret media with various properties toward the design of ideal depth filtration for nanoparticles and fine particles. Separation and Purification Technology, 233:116002. (Feb., 2020)
Tien, C. Y., Li, J. P., Han, D., Li, Z., Fu, P. K., Chen, J. K., & Tsai, C. J.* (2019). Development of a Novel Shallow Liquid Interface Exposure System for MWCNT Toxicity Assessment. Chemical Research in Toxicology, Vol. 32, No. 10, pp. 1925-1939. (Oct. 2019).
Bo-Xi Liao, Wen-Cheng Gong, Ziyi Li, and Chuen-Jinn Tsai*. (2019). A mass correction method for the aerosol particle mass analyzer to measure the particle mass of sub-50 nm nanoparticles, Aerosol Science and Technology, Vol. 53, No. 9, pp. 1056-1066. (Sep., 2019)
Xiong Yang, Ziyi Li, Yingshu Liu, Yi Xing, JinchaoWei, Bentao Yang, Chuanzhao zhang, Ralph T Yang, Chuen-Jinn Tsai. (2019). Research progress of gaseous polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons purification by adsorption, Aerosol and Air Quality Research, Vol. 19, No. 4, pp. 911-924. (Apr., 2019)
Thi-Cuc Le, Krishna Kumar Shukla, Jung-Che Sung, Ziyi Li, Huajun Yeh, Wei Huang, Chuen-Jinn Tsai*. (2019). Sampling Efficiency of Low-Volume PM10 Inlets with Different Impaction Substrates, Aerosol Science and Technology, Vol. 53, No. 3, pp. 295-308. (Mar., 2019)
Yin, Likun ; Yang, Xiong ; Xing, Yi ; Lu, Pei ; Tsai, Chuen-Jinn; Attoui, Michel; Cui, Yongkang; Liu, Yingshu; Li, Ziyi. (2019). Removal of ultrafine particles by porous nanomaterials with varied morphologies, Powder Technology, Vol. 342, pp.380-387. (Jan., 2019)
Ziyi Li, Yingshu Liu, Haihong Wang, Chuen-JinnTsai, Xiong Yang, Yi Xing, Chuan zhao Zhang, Penny Xiao, Paul A.Webley. (2018). A numerical modelling study of SO2 adsorption on activated carbons with new rate equations, Chemical Engineering Journal, 353: 856-866 (Nov. 2018)
Fung-Yu Kuo, Y.C. Lin, Chuen-Jinn Tsai, Da-Jeng Yao. (2018). Detection of Particulate Matter of Size 2.5 micron with a Surface-acoustic-wave Sensor Combined with a Cyclone Separator, Micro-/Nano-system and Technology, 9:398. (2018, Sep)
Bo-Xi Liao, Neng-Chun Tseng, Ziyi Li, Yingshu Liu, Jen-Kun Chen, Chuen-Jinn Tsai*. (2018). Exposure Assessment of Process By-product Nanoparticles Released during the Preventive Maintenance of Semiconductor Fabrication Facilities, Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 20 (7):203 (2018, July).
Yi Xing, Han Yu, Pei Lu, Ziyi Li, Yingshu Liu, Likun Yin, Ralph T. Yang, Chuen-Jinn Tsai, 2018, Experimental research on purifying ultrafine nanoparticle by SBA-15 and its filtration mechanism, Powder Technology, 330: 32-39.
Bo-Xi Liao, Neng-Chun Tseng and Chuen-Jinn Tsai*, 2018, The Accuracy of the Aerosol Particle Mass Analyzer for Nanoparticle Classification, Aerosol Science and Technology, 52(1): 19–29. (Jan. 2018)
David Y. H. Pui, Wilhelm Höflinger, Jing Wang, Chuen-Jinn Tsai*, 2017, On the "WFC12" Special Issue for the 12th World Filtration Congress, Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 17(11): 2643-2644.
Thi-Cuc Le and Chuen-Jinn Tsai*, 2017, Novel non-bouncing PM2.5 impactor modified from well impactor ninety-six, Aerosol Science and Technology, Volume 51, Issue 11, 1287-1295. (Nov., 2017)
Chong-Shu Zhu, Jun-Ji Cao, Chuen-Jinn Tsai, Zhi-Sheng Zhang, Jun Tao, 2017, Biomass burning tracers in rural and urban ultrafine particles in Xi'an, China. Atmospheric Pollution Research, Volume 8, Issue 4, 614-618. (http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.apr.2016.12.011) (July, 2017)
Hyun-Jin Choi , Mikio Kumita, Sho Hayashi , Hisashi Yuasa, Mie Kamiyama, Takafumi Seto, Chuen-Jinn Tsai, Yoshio Otani, 2017, Filtration Properties of Nanofiber/Microfiber Mixed Filter and Prediction of its Performance. Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 17: 1052-1062.
Rajasekhar Balasubramanian, Xiang Gao, Shiro Hatakeyama, Jungho Hwang, Chuen-Jinn Tsai*, 2017, Overview of the Special Issue "PM2.5 in Asia" for 2015 Asian Aerosol Conference, Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 17(2): 351-355.
Ziyi Li, Yingshu Liu, Xiong Yang, Yi Xing, Chuen-Jinn Tsai, Miaomiao Meng, Ralph T. Yang, 2017, Performance of mesoporous silicas and carbon in adsorptive removal of phenanthrene as a typical gaseous polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 239: 9-18.
Ziyi Li, Yingshu Liu, Yujie Lin, Sneha Gautam, Hui-Chuan Kuo, Chuen-Jinn Tsai*, Huajun Yeh, Wei Huang, Shih-Wei Li, Guo-Jei Wu, 2017, Development of an Automated System (PPWD/PILS) for Studying PM2.5 Water-Soluble Ions and Precursor Gases: Field Measurements in Two Cities, Taiwan. Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 17(2): 426-443.
Sneha Gautam, Ankit Yadav, Chuen-Jinn Tsai*, Prashant Kumar, 2016. A review on recent progress in observations, sources, classification and regulations of PM2.5 in Asian environments. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 23:21165–21175.
Chen, S.-C., Chang, D.-Q., Pei, C.X., Tsai, C. J., Pui, D. Y. H., 2016. Removal Efficiency of Bimodal PM2.5 and PM10 by Electret Respirators and Mechanical Engine Intake Filters, Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 16, 1722-1729.
Li, Z. Y., Liu, Y.S., Yang, X., Xing, Y., Tsai, C. J., Wang, Z. Y., Yang, Q., Yang, R. T., 2016. Desorption of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons on Mesoporous Sorbents: Thermogravimetric Experiments and Kinetics Study, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 55, 1183−1191.
Liu, Y.S., Li, Z.Y., Yang, X., Xing, Y., Tsai, C.J., Yang, Q., Wang, Z. Y., Yang, R.T., 2016. Performance of mesoporous silicas (MCM-41 and SBA-15) and carbon (CMK-3) in the removal of gas-phase naphthalene: adsorption capacity, rate and regenerability, RSC ADVANCES, Vol. 6, Issue 25, pp. 21193-21203.
Chong-Shu Zhu, Jun-Ji Cao, Chuen-Jinn Tsai, Sui-Xin Liu, Ping Wang, Zhen-Xing Shen, 2016, The rural carbonaceous aerosols in coarse, fine and ultrafine particles during haze pollution in northwestern China, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 23:4569–4575.
Yong Pyo Kim, Sergey A. Grinshpun, Christof Asbach, Chuen-Jinn Tsai*, 2015, Overview of the Special Issue “Selected Papers from the 2014 International Aerosol Conference”, Aerosol and Air Quality Research, Vol. 15, No. 6, pp. 2185-2189. (Nov. 2015)
Ziyi Li, Yingshu Liu, Yi Xing, Thi-Minh-Phuong Tran, Thi-Cuc Le, and Chuen-Jinn Tsai *, 2015, Novel Wire-on-Plate Electrostatic Precipitator (WOP-EP) for Controlling Fine Particle and Nanoparticle Pollution, Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 49 (14), 8683-8690. (July, 2015)
Chih-Liang Chien, Chi-Yu Tien, Chun-Nan Liu, Huajun Ye, Wei Huang, Chuen-Jinn Tsai*, 2015, Design and testing of the NCTU micro-orifice cascade impactor (NMCI) for the measurement of nanoparticle size distributions m, Aerosol Science and Technology, Vol. 49, pp. 41009-1018. (Oct. 2015)
Guan-Yu Lin, Guo-Rui Lee, Sih-Fan Lin, Yi-Hung Hung, Shih-Wei Li, Guo-Jei Wu, Chuen-Jinn Tsai*, 2015, Ultrafine Particles and PM2.5 at Three Urban Air Monitoring Stations in Northern Taiwan from 2011 to 2013, Aerosol and Air Quality Research, Vol. 15, No. 6, pp. 2305-2319. (Nov. 2015)
Chun-Nan Liu, Sih-Fan Lin, Chuen-Jinn Tsai*, Yueh-Chuen Wu, Chung-Fang Chen, 2015, Theoretical model for the evaporation loss of PM2.5 during filter sampling, Atmospheric Environment, Vol. 109, 79-86.
Yu-Chi Lin, Chuen-Jinn Tsai, Yueh-Chuen Wu, Renjiang Zhang, Yi-Tang Huang, Shuen-Hsin Lin, Shih-Chieh Hsu, 2015, Characteristics of Trace Metals in Traffic-Derived Particles in Hsuehshan Tunnel, Taiwan: Size Distribution, Fingerprinting Metal Ratio, and Emission Factor, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Vol. 15, pp. 4117-4130.
Chih-Liang Chien, Chuen-Jinn Tsai*, Shiang-Ru Sheu, Yu-Hsiang Cheng, Alexander Mihailovich Starik, 2015, High-efficiency parallel-plate wet scrubber (PPWS) for soluble gas removal, Separation and Purification Technology, 142: 189-195.
Chih-Liang Chien , Chuen-Jinn Tsai *, Tran Thi Minh Phuong, 2014, Response to Comment on “Modeling and Validation of Nanoparticle Charging Efficiency of a Single-Wire Corona Unipolar Charger”, Aerosol Science and Technology, Vol. 48, pp. ix-xi.
Tzu-Ming Chen, Chuen-Jinn Tsai*, Shaw-Yi Yan, Shou-Nan Li, 2014, An Efficient Wet Electrostatic Precipitator for Removing Particle and Nanoparticles in Semiconductor Manufacturing Processes, Separation and Purification Technology, .Vol. 136, 27-35.
Alexander S. Sharipov, Boris I. Loukhovitski, Chuen-Jinn Tsai, and Alexander M. Starik, 2014, Theoretical evaluation of diffusion coefficients of (Al2O3)n clusters in different bath gases, The European Physical Journal D, 68-99.
Yu-Hsiang Cheng, Chung-Wen Liao, Zhen-Shu Liu, Chuen-Jinn Tsai, Hsing-Cheng Hsi, 2014, A size-segregation method for monitoring the diurnal characteristics of atmospheric black carbon size distribution at urban traffic sites, Atmospheric Environment, Vol. 90, pp. 78-86.
Guan-Yu Lin, Bo-Xi Liao, Neng-Jiun Zeng, Chun-Wan Chen, Shi-Nian Uang, Sheng-Chieh Chen, David Y.H. Pui, Chuen-Jinn Tsai*, 2014, The Effect of Nanoparticle Convection-Diffusion Loss on the Transfer Function of an Aerosol Particle Mass Analyzer, Aerosol Science and Technology, Vol. 48, pp. 583-592.
A.M. Starik, P.S. Kuleshov, A.S. Sharipov, N.S. Titova, C.-J. Tsai, 2014, Numerical analysis of nanoaluminum combustion in steam. Combustion and Flame, Vol. 161, pp. 1659-1667.
Zhou, Yue, Hammad Irshad, Chuen-Jinn, Tsai, Shao-Ming Hung; Yung Sung Cheng, 2014, Evaluation of a Novel Personal Nanoparticle Sampler. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, Vol. 16, pp. 203-210. (DOI: 10.1039/c3em00497j) (EI)
Chun-Nan Liu, Sih-Fan Lin, Amit Awasthi, Chuen-Jinn Tsai*, 2014, Sampling and conditioning artifacts of PM2.5 in filter-based samplers, Atmospheric Environment, Vol. 85, pp. 48-53.
Chong-Shu Zhu, Jun-Ji Cao, Chuen-Jinn Tsai, Zhen-Xing Shen, Yong-Ming Han, Sui-Xin Liu, Zhu-Zi Zhao, 2014, Comparison and implications of PM2.5 carbon fractions in different environments. Science of the Total Environment, pp. Vol. 466-467, pp. 203-209.
Chuen-Jinn Tsai*, Shankar G. Aggarwal, 2013, Overview of the Gas and Aerosol Metrology, MAPAN-Journal Metrology Society of India 28(3): 141-143. (DOI: 10.1007/s12647-013-0075-8).
Amit Awasthi, Bo-Sen Wu, Chun-Nan Liu, Chuen-Jinn Tsai*, Chun-Wan Chen, 2013, The Effect of Nanoparticle Morphology on the Measurement Accuracy of Mobility Particle Sizers, MAPAN-Journal Metrology Society of India, 28(3): 205-215. (DOI 10.1007/s12647-013-0068-7).
C. T. Le, G. Y. Lin, C. J. Tsai*, 2013, The Particle Collection Efficiency of Multipoint-to-Plane Electrostatic Precipitators. Aerosol and Air Quality Research, Vol. 13, No. 5, pp. 1404-1410. (doi: 10.4209/aaqr.2013.05.0144).
Neng-Huei Lin, Si-Chee Tsay, Jeffrey S. Reid, Ming-Cheng Yen, Guey-Rong Sheu, Sheng-Hsiang Wang, Kai Hsien Chi, Ming-Tung Chuang, Chang-Feng Ou-Yang, Joshua S. Fu, Chung-Te Lee, Lin-Chi Wang, Jia-Lin Wang, Christina N. Hsu, Brent N. Holben, Yu-Chi Chu, Hal Maring, Nguyen Xuan Anh, Khajornsak Sopajaree, Shui-Jen Chen, Man-Ting Cheng, Ben-Jei Tsuang, Chuen-Jinn Tsai, Chi-Ming Peng, Chang-Tang Chang, Kuen-Song Lin, Ying I. Tsai, Wen-Jhy Lee, Shuenn-Chin Chang, Jyh-Jian Liu, Wei-Li Chiang, 2013, An overview of regional experiments on biomass burning aerosols and related pollutants in Southeast Asia: From BASE-ASIA and Dongsha Experiment to 7-SEAS. Atmospheric Environment, Vol. 78, pp. 1-19.
Guan-Yu Lin, Le-Thi Cuc, Wei Lu, Chuen-Jinn Tsai*, Hung-Min Chein, Fang-Tang Chang, 2013, High-efficiency wet electrocyclone for removing fine and nanosized particles, Separation and Purification Technology, Vol. 114, 99-107.
Chun-Nan Liu, Amit Awasthi, Yi-Hung Hung, Balakrishnaiah Gugamsetty, Chuen-Jinn Tsai*, Yue-Chuen Wu, Chung-Fang Chen, 2013, Differences in 24-h average PM2.5 concentrations between the beta attenuation monitor (BAM) and the dichotomous sampler (Dichot), Atmospheric Environment, Volume 75, 314-347.
Chih-Liang Chien , Chuen-Jinn Tsai*, 2013, Improvement of the nanoparticle charging efficiency of a single-wire corona unipolar charger by using radial sheath air flow: numerical study, Aerosol Science and Technology, Vol. 47, 417-426. (SCI, April)
Chun-Nan Liu, Amit Awasthi, Chuen-Jinn Tsai*, 2013, Collection Efficiency and Interstage Loss of Nanoparticles in Micro-orifice-based Cascade Impactors, Atmospheric Environment, Vol. 69, pp. 325-333. (SCI, April)
Li-Hao Young, Yun-Hua Lin, Tzu-Hsien Lin, Perng-Jy Tsai, Ying-Fang Wang, Shao-Ming Hung, Chuen-Jinn Tsai, Chun-Wan Chen , 2013, Field Application of a Newly Developed Personal Nanoparticle Sampler to Selected Metalworking Operations, Aerosol and Air Quality Research, Vol. 13, No. 3, pp. 849-861. (SCI, June)
Sheng-Chieh Chen, Shih-Chieh Hsu, Chuen-Jinn Tsai*, Charles C. -K. Chou, Neng-Huei Lin, Chung-Te Lee, Gwo-Dong Roam, David Y.H. Pui, 2013, Dynamic variations of ultrafine, fine and coarse particles at the Lu-Lin background site in East Asia, Atmospheric Environment, Vol. 78, pp. 154-162, 2013. (SCI, May, 3.465, 25/205)
Su-Jung (Candace) Tsai, David White, Henoc Rodriguez, Christian E. Munoz, Cheng-Yu Huang, Chuen-Jinn Tsai, Carol Barry, Michael J. Ellenbecker, 2012, Exposure Assessment and Engineering Control Strategies for Airborne Nanoparticles: An Application to Emissions from Nanocomposite Compounding Processes. Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 14:989. (3.287, 38/234)
Guan-Yu Lin, Tzu-Ming Chen, Chuen-Jinn Tsai*, 2012, A modified Deutsch-Anderson equation for predicting nanoparticle efficiency by electrostatic precipitators. Aerosol and Air Quality Research, Vol. 12, No. 5, pp. 697-706. doi: 10.4209/aaqr.2012.04.0085 (SCI, June, 2.825, 43/205).
Shih-Chieh Hsu, Chih-An Huh, Chuan-Yao Lin, Wei-Nai Chen, Shaw-Chen Liu Charles C. K. Chou, Mao-Chang Liang, Chuen-Jinn Tsai, Fei-Jan Lin, Jen-Ping Chen, Yi-Tang Huang, 2012, Dust transport from non-East Asian sources to the Pacific, Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 39, L12804, DOI: doi:10.1029/2012GL051962 (SCI, June, 3.792, 9/170)
Chuen-Jinn Tsai*, Guan-Yu Lin, Chun-Nan Liu, Chi-En He, Chun-Wan Chen, 2012, Characteristic of Nanoparticles Generated from Different Nanopowders by Using Different Dispersion Methods, Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 14:777. DOI 10.1007/s11051-012-0777-9 (SCI, April, 3.287, 38/234)
Balakrishnaiah Gugamsetty, Han Wei, Chun-Nan Liu, Amit Awasthi, Shih-Chieh Chen, Chuen-Jinn Tsai*, Gwo-Dong Roam, Yue-Chuen Wu, Chung-Fang Chen, 2012, Source Characterization and Apportionment of PM10, PM2.5, PM0.1 using Positive Matrix Factorization in Shinjung Station, Taiwan. Aerosol and Air Quality Research, Vol. 12, No. 4, pp. 472-491. doi: 10.4209/aaqr.2012.04.0084 (SCI, July, 2.825, 43/205)
Chuen-Jinn Tsai*, Chun-Nan Liu, Shao Ming Hung, Sheng-Chieh Chen, Shi-Nian Uang, Yung-Sung Cheng, Yue Zhou. 2012, A Novel Active Personal Nanoparticle Sampler (PENS) for the Exposure Assessment of Nanoparticles in Workplaces, Environmental Science and Technology. Vol. 46, pp. 4546-4552. dx.doi.org/10.1021/es204580f. (SCI, April, 5.228, 8/205)
Chong-Shu Zhu, Chuen-Jinn Tsai*, Sheng-Chieh Chen, Jun-Ji Cao, Gwo-Dong Roam, 2012, Positive sampling artifacts of organic carbon fractions for fine particles and nanoparticles in a tunnel environment, Atmospheric Environment, Vol. 54, pp. 225-230. doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2012.02.060 (SCI, June, 3.465, 25/205)
Chun-Nan Liu, Chih-Liang Chien, Chu-Chun Lo, Guan-Yu Lin, Sheng-Chieh Chen, Chuen-Jinn Tsai*, 2011, Drag Coefficient of a Spherical Particle Attached on the Flat Surface, Aerosol and Air Quality Research, Vol. 11, pp. 482-486. (SCI, 1.792, 0.4218)
Jakub Ondracek, Jiri Smolik, Chuen-Jinn Tsai, Sheng-Chieh Chen, 2011, Contribution of the Road Traffic to Air Pollution in the Prague City (Busy Speedway and Suburban Crossroads), Atmospheric Environment, Vol. 45, 5090-5100. (SCI, July, 3.226, 0.125)
Chih-Liang Chien, Chuen-Jinn Tsai*, Hui-Lin Chen, Guan-Yu Lin, Jong-Shinn Wu, 2011, Modeling and Validation of Nanoparticle Charging Efficiency of a Single-Wire Corona Unipolar Charger, Aerosol Science and Technology, Vol. 45, pp. 1468-1479.
Chun-Nan Liu, Sheng-Chieh Chn and Chuen-Jinn Tsai*, 2011, A Novel Multi-Channel PM10-PM2.5 sampler (MCPPS), Aerosol Science and Technology, Vol. 45, pp. 1480-1487. (SCI, July, 2.34, 0.1716)
Chuen-Jinn Tsai*, Cheng-Yu Huang, Sheng-Chieh Chen, Chi-En Ho, Cheng-Hsiung Huang, Chun-Wan Chen, Cheng-Ping Chang, Su-Jung (Candace) Tsai, Michael J. Ellenbecker, 2011, Exposure Assessment of Nano-sized and Respirable Particles at Different Workplaces, Journal of Nanoparticle Research, Vol. 13, pp. 4161-4172. (SCI, July, 3.25, 0.2222)
Sheng-Chieh Chen, Chuen-Jinn Tsai*, Hong-Dar Chen, Cheng-Yu Huang, Gwo-Dong Roam, 2011, The influence of relative humidity on nanoparticle concentration and particle mass distribution measurements by the MOUDI, Aerosol Science and Technology, Vol. 45, issue 5, 596-603 (SCI, May, 2.34, 0.1716)
Yu-Hsiang Cheng, Cheng-Hsiung Huang, Hsiao-Lin Huang, Chuen-Jinn Tsai, 2010, Concentrations of ultrafine particles at a highway toll collection booth and exposure implications for toll collectors, Science of the Total Environment, Vol. 409, issue 2, pp. 364-369 (SCI, Dec.)
Chong-Shu Zhu, Jun-Ji Cao, Chuen-Jinn Tsai, Zhen-xing Shen, Kin-Fai Ho, Sui-xin Liu, 2010, The indoor and outdoor carbonaceous pollution during winter and summer in rural areas of Shaanxi, China, Aerosol and Air Quality Research, Vol. 10, No. 6, pp. 550-558. (SCI, Dec.)
Guan-Yu Lin and Chuen-Jinn Tsai*, 2010, Numerical Modeling of Nanoparticle Collection Efficiency of Single-Stage Wire-in-Plate Electrostatic Precipitators, Aerosol Science and Technology, Vol. 44, NO. 12, pp. 1122-1130(SCI, Dec).
Yueh-Ping Ku, Caddie Yang, Guan-Yu Lin, and Chuen-Jinn Tsai*, 2010, An online parallel-plate wet denuder system for monitoring acetic acid gas, Aerosol and Air Quality Research, Vol. 10, No. 5, pp. 479-488. (SCI, Oct)
Chuen-Jinn Tsai*, Guan-Yu, Lin, Hui-Lin Chen, Cheng-Hsiung Huang, Manuel Alonso, 2010, Enhancement of Extrinsic Charging Efficiency of Nanoparticle Charger with Multiple Discharging Wires, Aerosol Science and Technology, Vol. 44, pp. 807-816. (SCI, Oct.) (2.739, 0.103)
C.-H. Huang, C.-Y. Tai, C.-Y. Huang, C.-J. Tsai, C.-W. Chen, C.-P. Chang, T.-S. Shih, 2010, Measurements of respirable dust and nanoparticle concentrations in a titanium dioxide pigment production factory, J. Environ. Sci. Health, Part A., Vol. 45, No. 10, pp. 1227-1233. (SCI, Oct.) (1.363, 0.578)
Sheng-Chieh Chen, Chuen-Jinn Tsai*, Cheng-Yu Huang, Hong-Dar Chen, Shui-Jen Chen, Chih-Chung Lin, Jen-Hsiung Tsai, Charles C-K Chou, Shih-Chun Candice Lung, Wei-Ru Huang, Gwo-Dong Roam, Wan-Yi Wu, Jiri Smolik, Lucie Ondrackova, 2010, Chemical Mass Closure and Chemical Characteristics of Ambient Ultrafine Particles and other PM Fractions, Aerosol Science and Technology, Vol. 44, pp. 713-723. (SCI, Sep.)
Chong-Shu Zhu, Cheng-Chieh Chen, Jun-Ji Cao, Chuen-Jinn Tsai*, Charles C-K Chou, Shaw-Chen Liu, Gwo-Dong Roam, 2010, Characterization of carbon fractions for atmospheric fine particles and nanoparticles in a highway tunnel, Atmospheric Environment, Vol. 44, No. 23, pp. 2668-2673. (SCI, Jul.) (3.139, 0.15) (Top-50 most cited articles" published in Atmospheric Environment (2010-2011))
Sheng-Chieh Chen, Chuen-Jinn Tsai*, Charles C.–K. Chou, Gwo-Dong Roam, Sen-Sung Cheng and Ya-Nan Wang, 2010, Ultrafine Particles at three Different Sampling Locations in Taiwan, Atmospheric Environment. Vol. 44, No. 4, pp. 533-540. (SCI, Feb.)
Guan-Yu Lin, Chuen-Jinn Tsai*, Sheng-Chieh Chen, Tze-Ming Chen, and Shou-Nan Li, 2010, An Efficient Single-Stage Wet Electrostatic Precipitator for Fine and Nanosized particle Control, Aerosol Science and Technology, Vol. 44, No. 1, pp. 38-45. (SCI, Jan.)
Jung-Nan Hsu, Hsunling Bai, Shou-Nan Li, Chuen-Jinn Tsai*, 2010, Copper Loaded on Sol-Gel Derived Alumina Adsorbents for Phosphine Removal, Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association, Vol. 60, No. 5, pp. 629-635 (SCI, May.)
Chih-Liang Chien, Shih-Hsuan Huang, Chuen-Jinn Tsai*, 2009, A New Cross-flow Tube Bundle Heat Exchanger with Staggered Hot and Cold Tubes for Thermophoretic Deposition of Submicron Aerosol Particles, Aerosol Science and Technology, Vol. 43, No. 12, pp. 1153-1163 (SCI, Dec.)
Hui-Ya Shih, Shih-Hsuan Huang, Shou-Nan Li, Sheng-Chieh Chen, and Chuen-Jinn Tsai*, 2009, Simulation and testing of pollutant dispersion during preventive maintenance in a cleanroom. Building and Environment, Vol. 44, No. 12, pp. 2319-2326. (SCI, Dec.)
A. Aliat, C. T. Hung, C.-J. Tsai and J.-S. Wu, 2009, Implementation of Fuchs’ model of ion diffusion charging of nanoparticles considering the electron contribution in DC-corona chargers in high charge densities, Journal of Physics D - Applied Physics, Vol. 42, No. 12, pp. 125206. (SCI, Jun.)
Shih-Hsuan Huang, Hui-Ya Shih, Shou-Nan Li, Sheng-Chieh Chen and Chuen-Jinn Tsai*, 2009, Spatial and Temporal Distributions of a Gaseous Pollutant during Simulated Preventive Maintenance and Pipe Leaking Events in a Working Cleanroom, IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, Vol. 22, No. 3, pp. 391-398. (SCI, Aug.)
Chuen-Jinn Tsai* and David Y. H. Pui, 2009, Editorial: Recent Advances and New challenges of Occupational and Environmental Health of Nanotechnology, Journal of Nanoparticle Research, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 1-4. (SCI, Jan.)
Chuen-Jinn Tsai*, Chien-Hsien Wu, Ming-Long Leu, Sheng-Chieh Chen, Cheng-Yu Huang, Perng-Jy Tsai, Fu-Hsiang Ko, 2009, Dustiness test of nanopowders using a standard rotating drum with a modified sampling train, Journal of Nanoparticle Research, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 121-131. (SCI, Jan.)
A. Aliat, C.-J. Tsai, C.-T. Hung and J.-S. Wu, 2008, Effect of Free Electrons on Nanoparticle Charging in a Negative Direct Current Corona charger, Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 93, Issue 15, article no. 154103. (SCI, Oct.)
C.-J. Tsai*, S.-C. Chen, H.-L. Chen, H.-M. Chein, C.-H. Wu, T.-M. Chen, 2008, Study of a Nanoparticle Charger Containing Multiple Discharging Wires in a Tube, Sep. Sci. Technol. Vol. 43, No. 13, pp. 3476-3493. (SCI, Nov.)
Chuen-Jinn Tsai*, Guan-yu Lin and Sheng-Chieh Chen, 2008, A Parallel Plate Wet Denuder for Acidic Gas Measurement, AICHE J Vol.54, No. 8, pp. 2198-2205. (SCI, August)
Yu-Hsiang Cheng, Yen-Chi Chao, Cheng-Han Wu, Chuen-Jinn Tsai, Shi-Nian Uang, Tung-Sheng Shih, 2008, Measurements of Ultrafine Particle Concentrations and Size Distribution in an Iron Foundry, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Vol. 158, No. 1, pp. 124-130. (SCI, Oct.)
Jyh-Shyan Lin, Chuen-Jinn Tsai*, Kuo-Lun Tung, Hann-Chyuan Chiang, 2008, Thermophoretic Particle Deposition Efficiency in Turbulent Tube Flow, Journal of the Chinese Institute of Chemical Engineer, Vol. 39, No. 3, pp. 281-285. (SCI, May.)
Chuen-Jinn Tsai*, Cheng-Sheng Chang, Sheng-Chieh Chen, Penny Chen, Tung-Sheng Shih, David Y. H. Pui, Vladimir V. Karasev, Andrei A. Onischuk, Shou-Nan Li, 2008, Laboratory and Field Tests of a Novel 3-stage Personal Dust Sampler for sampling three dust fractions simultaneously, Aerosol Science and Technology, Vol. 42, No. 1, pp. 86-95. (SCI, Jan.)
Chuen-Jinn Tsai*, Cheng-Sheng Chang, Penny Chen, Tung-Sheng Shih, Da-Toung Tang, 2007, Laboratory and Field Tests of a Novel 3-Stage Personal Dust Sampler, IOSH Quarterly, Vol. 15, pp. 1-16. (in Chinese)
Rafal Przekop, Arkadiusz Moskal, Chuen-Jinn Tsai*, Andrei Onischuk, 2007, Production of Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles by Combustion of Liquid Titanium Droplets, Inzynieria Chemiczna Procesowa, Vol. 28, No. 4, pp. 951-959. (SCI, Dec.)
Sheng-Chieh Chen, Chuen-Jinn Tsai*, Cheng-Han Wu, David Y. H. Pui, Andrei A. Onischuk, Vladimir V. Karasev, 2007, Particle Loss in a Critical Orifice, Journal of Aerosol Science, Vol. 38, No. 9, pp. 935-949. (SCI, Sep.)
Chih-Liang Chien, Chuen-Jinn Tsai*, Kwen-Wen Ku, and Shou-Nan Li, 2007, Ventilation Control of Air Pollutant during Preventive Maintenance of a Metal Etcher in Semiconductor Factory, Aerosol and Air Quality Research, Vol. 7, No. 4, pp. 469-488.
Huang, C. H., Lin, T. S., Chang S. H., Tsai, C. J.*, 2007, Prediction of Dimensionless Cutsize for Size-Fractionated Measurements of Particles that Impact on a Sintered Stainless-Steel Filter, Separation Science and Technology, Vol. 42, No. 3, pp. 477-491. (SCI, Aug.)
Jung-Nan. Hsu, Chuen-Jinn Tsai*, Cindy Chiang, Shou-Nan, Li, 2007, Silane Removal at Ambient Temperature by Using Alumina-Supported Metal Oxide Adsorbents, Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association, Vol. 57, No. 2, pp. 204-210. (SCI, Feb.)
Chuen-Jinn Tsai*, Sheng-Chieh Chen, Rafal Przekop and Arkadiusz Moskal, 2007, Study of an axial flow cyclone to remove nanoparticles in vacuum, Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 41, No. 5, pp. 1689-1695. (SCI, Mar.)
Cheng-Hsiung Huang, Chuen-Jinn Tsai*, Yu-Min Wang, 2007, Control Efficiency of Submicron Particles by an Efficient Venturi Scrubber System, Journal of Environmental Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 133, No. 4, pp. 454-461. (SCI, Apr.)
Sheng-Chieh Chen, Chuen-Jinn Tsai*, 2007, An Axial Flow Cyclone to Remove Nanoparticles at Low Pressure Conditions, Journal of Nanoparticle Research, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 71-83. (SCI, Jan.)
Sheng-Chieh Chen, Chuen-Jinn Tsai*, Shou-Nan Li and Hui-Ya Shih, 2007, Dispersion of Gas Pollutant in a Fan-Filter-Unit (FFU) Cleanroom, Building and Environment, Vol. 42, No. 5, pp. 1902-1912. (SCI, May.)
Sheng-Chieh Chen, Chuen-Jinn Tsai*, Jian-Lun Roth, C. G. Deshpande, HungMin Chein, 2006, Control of Nanoparticles by an Axial Flow Cyclone Operating in Vacuum Conditions, Journal of the Chinese Colloid and Interface Society, Vol. 28(4), pp. 237-246.
Huang, C. H., Chang, C. S., Chang, S. H., Chuen-Jinn Tsai*, Shih, T. S., and Tang, D. T., 2006, “Development of a Personal Inertial Impactor for Respirable Dust Sampling”, Journal of Occupational Safety and Health, Vol. 14 (2), pp. 79-86. (in Chinese)
V.V. Karasev, A.A. Onischuk, S. A. Khromova, O. G. Glotov, V. E. Zarko, E. A. Pilyugina, C.-J. Tsai, 2006, Formation of Metal Oxide Nanoparticles in Combustion of Titanium and Aluminum Droplets, Combustion, Explosion, and Shock Waves, Vol. 42, No. 6, pp. 649-662. (SCI, Nov.)
Chuen-Jinn Tsai*, Hsi-Chen Lin, Tung-Sheng Shih, Kai-Chung Chang, I-Fu Hung, C.G. Deshpande, 2006, Measurement of 2,4-Toluene Diisocyanate Concentrations by Different Samplers, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Vol. 137, No. 3, pp. 1395-1401. (SCI, Oct.)
Chuen-Jinn Tsai*, Chung-Tso Chang and Cheng-Hsiung Huang, 2006, Direct Field Observation of the Relative Humidity Effect on the Beta Gauge Readings, Journal of Air and Waste Management Association, Vol. 56, No. 6, pp. 834-840. (SCI, Jun.)
Chuen-Jinn Tsai*, Jyh-Shyan Lin, C. G. Deshpande, Li-Chun Liu, 2006, Electrostatic Charge Measurement and Charge Neutralization of Fine Aerosol Particles during the Generation Process, Particle and Particle Systems Characterization, Vol. 22, No. 5, pp. 293-298. (SCI, Apr, impact factor=0.787, Chemical Eng.: 52/116).
Chuen-Jinn Tsai*, Hsi-Chen Lin, Kuan-Yu Lin, Tung-Sheng Shih, Kai-Chung Chang, I-Fu Hung, C.G. Deshpande, 2006, Sampling Time Effect on 2,4-Toluene Diisocyanate Concentration by Using Different Samplers, Separation Science and Technology, Vol. 41, No. 9, pp. 1799-1812. (SCI, Aug.)
Shi-Nian Uang, Tung-Sheng Shih, Chun-Huei Chang, Szu-Min Chang, Chuen-Jinn Tsai*, C. G. Deshpande, 2006, Exposure Assessment of Organic Solvents for Aircraft paint stripping and spraying workers, The Science of Total Environment, Vol. 356, No. 1-3, pp. 38-44. (SCI, Mar.)
Hung Lin, Jyh-Shyan Lin, Chuen-Jinn Tsai* and Cheng-Ping Chang, 2005, “Field Study of Particle Deposition in the Exhaust Pipeline of Semiconductor Manufacturing Process”, Journal of Occupational Safety and Health, Vol. 13, No. 4, pp. 80-92. (in Chinese)
I-Fu Hung, C. G. Deshpande, Chuen-Jinn Tsai*, and Shih-Hsuang Huang, 2005, Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Volatile Organic Compounds around an Industrial Park of Taiwan, Aerosol and Air Quality Research, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 15-27. (SCI)
Cheng-Hsiung Huang, Cheng-Shen Chang, Sheh-Hsun Chang, Chuen-Jinn Tsai*, Tung-Sheng Shih and Da-Toung Tang, 2005, Use of porous foam as the substrate of an impactor for respirable aerosol sampling, 2005, Journal of Aerosol Science, Vol. 36, pp. 1373-1386. (SCI)
Yu-Du Hsu, HungMin Chein, Tzu-Ming Chen, Chuen-Jinn Tsai*, 2005, An Axial Flow Cyclone for Segregation and Collection of Ultrafine particles: Theoretical and Experimental Study, Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 39, pp. 1299-1308. (SCI)
Chuen-Jinn Tsai*, Cheng-Hsiung Huang, Chia-Hung Lin, Yu-Min Wang, Shou-Nan Li, Zong-Xue Wu and Feng-Cai Wang, 2005, “An Efficient Venturi Scrubber System to Remove Submicron Particles in Exhaust Gas”, Journal of Air and Waste Management Association, Vol. 55, No. 3, pp. 319-325. (SCI)
Cheng-Hsiung Huang, Chin-I Lee and Chuen-Jinn Tsai*, 2005, “Reduction of Particle Reentrainment using Porous Fence in Front of Dust Samples,” Journal of Environmental Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 131(12), pp. 1644-1648. (SCI)
His-Chen Lin, Chuen-Jinn Tsai*, Jian-Lun Roth, Kai-Chung Chang, Tung-Sheng Shih, and I-Fu Hung, 2004, Research on the Simultaneous Personal Sampling Technology of TDI Vapor and Aerosol—Field Study, Journal of Occupational Safety and Health, Vol. 12, pp. 118-126. (in Chinese)
Chun-Huei Chang, Shi-Nian Uang, Tung-Sheng Shih, Chuen-Jinn Tsai*, 2004, “Exposure Assessment of Organic Solvents for Aircraft paint stripping and paint spraying workers,” IOSH quarterly, Vol. 12, pp. 146-166. (in Chinese)
K.C. Chang, H. C. Lin, C. J. Tsai*, T. S. Shih and I.F. Hung, 2004, “Simultaneous Personal Sampling of Vapor- and Aerosol-Phase TDI with a Triple Filter System”, Journal of Occupational Safety and Health, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 50-59. (in Chinese)
Jyh-Shyan Lin, Chuen-Jinn Tsai* and Cheng-Ping Chang, 2004, “Suppression of particle deposition in tube flow by thermophoresis”, Journal of Aerosol Sci., Vol. 35, pp. 1235-1250. (SCI)
Chuen-Jinn Tsai*, Daren-Ren Chen, HungMin Chein, Sheng-Chieh Chen, Jian-Lun Roth, Yu-Du Hsu, Weiling Li, Pratim Biswas, 2004, Theoretical and Experimental Study of an Axial Flow Cyclone for Fine Particle Removal in Vacuum Conditions, Journal of Aerosol Science, Vol. 35(9), pp. 1105-1118. (SCI,)
Chuen-Jinn Tsai*, Jyh-Shyan Lin and Shankar G. Aggarwal, 2004, “Thermophoretic Deposition of Particles in Laminar and Turbulent Tube Flows”, Aerosol Science and Technology, Vol. 38, pp. 131-139. (SCI)
HungMin Chein and Tzu Ming Chen, Chuen-Jinn Tsai and Chun-Chao Huang, 2004, “Inorganic Acids Emission Factors of Semiconductor Manufacturing Processes,” Journal of Air and Waste Management Association, Vol. 54, 218-228. (SCI)
Cheng-Hsiung Huang, Yung-Tai Ho, Chuen-Jinn Tsai*, 2004, “Measurement of Inorganic Acidic Gases and Particles from the Stack of Semiconductor and Optoelectronic Industries,” Separation Science and Technology, Vol. 39, pp. 2223-2234 (SCI).
Chuen-Jinn Tsai*, Sheng-Chieh Chen, Cheng-Hsiung Huang, Da-Ren Chen, 2004, “A Universal Calibration Curve for the TSI Aerodynamic Particle Sizer“, Aerosol Science and Technology, Vol. 38, pp. 467-474. (SCI)
Chuen-Jinn Tsai*, Chang-Tso Chang, Tsing-Wei Liu, Chun-Chao Huang, Chih-Liang Chien, Hung Min Chein, 2004, “Emission Characteristics and Control Efficiency of Acidic and Basic Gases and Aerosols from Packed Towers,” Atmospheric Environment, Vol. 38, pp. 643-646. (SCI)
C. J. Tsai*, S. G. Aggarwal, C. T. Chang, and I-Fu Hung, 2004, “Concentration Profiles of Acidic and Basic Air Pollutants Around an Industrial Park of Taiwan”, Water Air and Soil Pollution, Vol. 151, pp. 287-304. (SCI)
Chuen-Jinn Tsai*, Cheng-Hsiung Huang, Hsueh-Hsin Lu, Yu-Hsiung Cheng, Jyh-Shyan Lin,,2003, “A Study of Nylon Filters in Absorbing HCl and HNO3 gases,” Journal of Occupational Safety and Health, Vol. 11, No. 3, pp.219-226. (in Chinese)
Chuen-Jinn Tsai*, Cheng-Hsiung Huang and Hsiue-Hsing Lu, 2003, “Adsorption capacity of a nylon filter of a Filter Pack System for HCl and HNO3 Gases”, Separation Science and Technology, Vol. 39, No. 3, pp. 629-643. (SCI)
Huang, C. H., and Tsai, C. J.*, 2003, "Mechanism of Particle Impaction and Filtration by the Porous Metal Substrate of an Inertial Impactor”, Aerosol Science and Technology, Vol. 37, No. 6, pp. 486-493. (SCI)
Lin, J. S., Tsai, C. J.*, 2003, “Thermophoretic deposition efficiency in a cylindrical tube taking into account developing flow at the entrance region”, Journal of Aerosol Science, Vol. 34, pp. 569-583. (SCI)
Tsai, C. J.*, Huang, C. H. and Lu, H. H., 2003, "Removal of air pollutants in the make-up air of a semiconductor plant by fine water spray", Separation Science and Technology, Vol. 38, 1429-1436. (SCI)
Lu, H. C., Tsai, C. J.*, and Hung, I-Fu, 2003, "Atmospheric Lead Concentration Distribution in Northern Taiwan”, Chemosphere, Vol. 52, No. 6, pp. 1079-1088. (SCI)
C. T. Chang and C. J. Tsai*, 2003, “A Model for the Relative Humidity Effect on the Readings of the PM10 Beta-Gauge Monitor, Journal of Aerosol Science, Vol. 34, pp. 1685-1697. (SCI)
C. J. Tsai*, C.-I. Lee, C. H. Huang, J. S. Lin, 2003, “Control of particle reentrainment by wetting the exposed dust surface”, Journal of Air and Waste Management Association., Vol. 53, pp. 1191-1195. (SCI)
H. C. Lu and C. J. Tsai*, 2003, “Influence of Different Cleaning Conditions on Cleaning Performance of a Pilot-Scale Pulse-Jet Baghouse”, Journal of ASCE, Vol. 129, pp. 811-818. (SCI)
C. J. Tsai*, Cheng, K. C.,, T. S. Shih, and I-Fu Hung, 2003, “Simultaneous Sampling of Gas- and Aerosol-Phase TDI with a Triple Filter System”, Journal of Air and Waste Management Association, Vol. 53, pp. 1265-1272. (SCI)
Tsai, C. J.*, Huang, C. H., Lin, Y. C., Shih, B. H., and Shih, T. S., 2003, "Field test of a Porous-Metal Denuder Sampler”, Aerosol Science and Technology, Vol. 37, pp. 967-974. (SCI)
Chin-Cheng Ho, Chuen-Jinn Tsai*, 2002, “Feasibility of Power Generation by Gasification of Rice Husks in the Middle or Large-Scale Rice Mills”, Energy Quarterly, Vol. 23, No. 3, pp.3~17. (in Chinese)
Huang, C. H., and Tsai, C. J.*, 2002, "The Particle Collection Efficiency Curves by the Porous Substrates of an Inertial Impactor", Aerosol and Air Quality Research, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 1-8. (SCI)
Lu, H. C., and C. J. Tsai*, 2002, "The Frequency Distribution of Pb in TSP in the Northern Part of Taiwan”, Journal of the Chinese Institute of Environmental Engineering, Vol. 12, No. 3, pp. 217-226.
Chuen-Jinn Tsai*, Yao-Chi Lin, Hsueh-Hsin Lu, Tung-Sheng Shih, 2002, "A Field Study of Different Acidic Aerosol Samplers”, Journal of Occupational Safety and Health, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 1-11. (in Chinese)
Tsai, C. J.*, C. T. Chang, B. H. Shih, Shankar. G. Aggarwal, S. N. Li, H. M. Chein and T. S. Shih, 2002, "The effect of environmental conditions and electrical charge on the weighing accuracy of different filter materials”, The Science of the Total Environment, Vol. 293, 201-206. (SCI)
Tsai, C. J.*, and Chang, C. T., 2002, "An Investigation of Dust Emissions from Unpaved Surfaces in Taiwan”, Separation and Purification Technology, 29:181-188. (SCI)
Huang, C. H., and Tsai, C. J.*, 2002, "Influence of Impaction Plate Diameter and Particle Density on Collection Efficiency of Round-Nozzle Inertial Impactors”, Aerosol Sci. Technol., Vol. 36, No. 6, pp. 714-720. (SCI)
Lu, C. H., and Tsai, C. J.*, 2001, "Application of Pilot-Scale Pulse Jet Baghouse in the Exhaust Emission Control of Boilers”, Industrial Pollution Prevention and Control, Vol. 20, No. 4, pp. 25-65. (in Chinese)
K.-Y. Kuo and C.-J. Tsai*, 2001, "On the Theory of Particle Collection Efficiency of Cyclones”, Aerosol and Air Quality Research, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 47-56. (SCI)
Tsai, Chuen-Jinn*, Shie-Bong Perng and Shin-Fu Chiou, 2001, "Study of Acidic Aerosols Measured by Different Denuder Samplers in HsinChu Taiwan”, Journal of the Chinese Institute of Environmental Engineering, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 39-49.
Tsai, Chuen-Jinn* and Miaw, Duen-Yaw Miaw, 2001, "Emission Factor of Fugitive Dust from Paved Roads in Hsin Chu Taiwan”, Journal of the Chinese Institute of Environmental Engineering Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 245-252.
Tsai, Chuen-Jinn*, Chang, Tso-Chung and Miaw, Duen-Yaw, 2001, "Emission and Control of Fugitive Dust from Exposed Surface and Unpaved Road in Hsin Chu Taiwan”, Journal of the Chinese Institute of Environmental Engineering, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 51-62.
Bow-Huei Shih, Chuen-Jinn Tsai*, Shou-Nan, Li, Tung-Sheng Shih, HungMin Chein, 2001, "Influence of Electrostatics and Environments on the Filter Weighing Accuracy, " Journal of Occupational Safety and Health, Vol. 9, No. 4, pp. 357-367. (in Chinese)
Rey-Yin Yuang and Chuen-Jinn Tsai*, 2001, "Stack Sampling Methods of Particulate Matters", 2001, Industrial Pollution Prevention and Control, Vol.20, No. 2, pp.27-40. (in Chinese)
C.-T. Chang, C.-J. Tsai*, C.-T. Lee, M. T. Cheng, H.-M. Chein, 2001, "Differences in PM10 Concentrations Measured by Beta-gauge Monitor and Hi-vol Sampler”, Atmospheric Environment, Vol. 35, No. 33, pp. 5741-5748. (SCI)
Tsai, C. J.*, Huang, C. H. and T.-S. Shih, 2001, "Design and Testing of a Personal Porous-Metal Denuder”, Aerosol Sci. Technol., Vol. 35, No. 1, pp. 611-616. (SCI)
Huang, C. H., and Tsai, C. J.*, 2001, "Effect of Gravity on Particle Collection Efficiency of Inertial Impactors”, Journal of Aerosol Science, 32, pp. 375-387. (SCI)
Tsai, C. J.*, Huang, C. H., and S. H. Wang, 2001, "Collection Efficiency and Capacity of Three Acidic Aerosol Samplers”, Environ. Sci. Technol. 35, pp. 2572-2575. (SCI)
Huang, C. H., Tsai, C. J.*, and Shih, T. S., 2001, "Particle Collection Efficiency of an Inertial Impactor with Porous Metal Substrates”, J. Aerosol Sci., Vol. 32, pp. 1035-1044. (SCI)
Chiou, Shin-Fu and Tsai, Chuen-Jinn*, 2001, "Measurement of Emission Factor of Road Dust in a Wind Tunnel”, Powder Technol., Vol. 118, pp. 10-15. (SCI).
Tsai, C. J.*, Huang, C. H., S. H. Wang, T. S. Shih, 2000, "Development of a Personal Denuder Sampler”, Journal of Occupational Safety and Health, Vol. 8, pp. 175-189. (in Chinese)
Rey-Chiou Ren, Chuen-Jinn Tsai*, 2000, "An Investigation of Storage and Re-utilization of CO2”, 2000, Industrial Pollution Prevention and Control, No. 74, pp. 1-11. (in Chinese)
C.J. Tsai* and T.I. Lin, 2000, "Particle Collection Efficiency of Different Impactor Designs", Separation Science and Technology, 35(16), pp. 2639-2650. (SCI)
Chuen-Jinn Tsai*, Shie-Bong Perng, and Shin-Fu Chiou, 2000, " Use of two Different Acidic Aerosol Samplers to Measure Acidic Aerosols in HsinChu Taiwan”, JAWMA, 50(12), pp. 2120-2128. (SCI)
Tsai, C. J.*, Tsai, M. L. and Lu, H. C., 2000, "Effects of Filtration Velocity and Pressure Drop on the Cleaning Performance of a Pulse-Jet Baghouse", Separation Science and Technology, Vol. 35(2), pp. 211-226. (SCI)
Hsin-Chung Lu, HungMin Chein, Juang-Yao Huang, Chuen-Jinn Tsai*, 1999, "Recent Development of Wafer Surface Cleaning in Semiconductor Industry", Journal of Occupational Safety and Health, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 20-27. (in Chinese)
Jin-Pin Chung, Chuen-Jinn Tsai*, Chih C. Chao, 1999, "Resource Recovery of Pulp Sludge”, Industrial Pollution Prevention and Control, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 1-12. (in Chinese)
Tsai, C. J.*, Yang, W. S., Szymanski, W. W., and Chein, H. M., 1999, "Particle Transmission Efficiency through the Nozzle of the API Aerosizer”, Journal of Aerosol Science, Vol. 30, No. 8, pp. 1019-1028. (SCI)
Lu, H. C. and Tsai, C. J.*, 1999, “The Influence of Design and Operation Parameters on Bag Cleaning Performance of the Pulse-Jet Baghouse”, Journal of Environmental Engineering-ASCE, Vol. 125, No. 6, pp. 583-591. (SCI)
Tsai, C. J.*, Shiau, H. G., Lin, K. C. and Tung, T. S., 1999, “Effect of Deposited Particles and Particle Electrostatic Charge on the Penetration Efficiency of Small Sampling Cyclones”, Journal of Aerosol Science, Vol. 30, No. 3, pp. 313-323. (SCI)
Tsai, C. J.*, Shiau, H. G. and Shih, T. S., 1999, "Field Study of the Accuracy of two Respirable Sampling Cyclones”, Aerosol Science and Technology, Vol. 31, No.6, pp. 463-472. (SCI)
Tsai, C. J.*, Huang, C. H., Hsiao, H. K., and Shih, T. S., 1998, "Field Test of Personal Respirable Dust Samplers", Quarterly Journal of Occupational Safety and Health, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 23-38. (in Chinese)
Tsai, C. J.*, Huang, C. H., Lin, K. C. and Shih, T. S., 1998, "Development of a Personal Respirable Dust Sampler", Quarterly Journal of Occupational Safety and Health, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 1-10. (in Chinese).
Lu, H. C. and Tsai, C. J.*, 1998, “A Pilot-Scale Study of the Design and Operation Parameters of a Pulse-Jet Baghouse”, Aerosol Science and Technology, Vol. 29, No. 6, pp. 510-524. (SCI)
Tsai, C. J.*, Perng, S. N., 1998, “Artifacts of Ionic Species for Hi-vol PM10 and PM10 Dichotomous Samplers”, Atmospheric Environment, Vol. 32, issue 9, pp. 1605-1613. (SCI)
Cheng, Y. H. and Tsai, C. J.*, 1998, “Factors Influencing Pressure Drop Through of a Dust Cake During Filtration”, Aerosol Science and Technology, Vol. 29, No. 4, pp. 315-328. (SCI)
Szymanski, W. W., Cheng, Y. H., Tsai, C. J.*, 1998, “Filter Efficiency Measurement with Optical Particle Counters-Limitations and Error Sources”, Separation Science and Technology, Vol. 33, No. 9, pp. 1225-1240. (SCI)
Tsai, C. J.*, Chein, H. M., Chang, S. T. and Kuo, J. Y., 1998, “Performance Evaluation of an API Aerosizer”,, Journal of Aerosol Science, Vol. 29, No. 7, pp. 839-853. (SCI)
Tsai, C. J.*, Miao, C. C. and Lu, H. C., 1997, “White Smoke Emission from a Semiconductor Manufacturing Plant”, Environment International, Vol. 23, No. 4, pp. 489-496. (SCI)
Tsai, C. J.*, Shih, T. S. and Sheu, R. N., 1997, “Characteristics of Lead Aerosols in Different Work Environments”, American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal, Vo. 58, No. 9, pp. 650-656. (SCI)
Tsai, C. J.*, Shih, T. S., Shiau, H. G. and Lin, K. C., 1997, “Effects of Particle Mass Loading and Electrostatics on Collection Efficiency of 10-mm Nylon Cyclone”, Quarterly Journal of Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, Vol 5, No. 2, pp. 27-38.
Cheng, Y. H. and Tsai, C. J.*, 1997, “Evaporation Loss of Ammonium Nitrate Particles During Filter Sampling”, Journal of Aerosol Science, Vol. 28, No. 8, pp. 1553-1568. (SCI)
Tsai, C. J.* and Cheng, Y. H., 1996, “Comparison of two Ambient Beta Gauge PM10 Samplers”, Journal of Air and Waster Management Association, Vol. 46, pp. 142-147. (SCI)
Lu, H. C. and Tsai, C. J.*, 1996, “Experimental and Numerical Study of Design Parameters for Pulse-Jet Cleaning Systems”, Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 30, No. 11, pp. 3243-3249. (SCI)
Tsai, C. J.*, Shih, T. S. and Lin, J. D., 1996, “Laboratory Testing of Three Direct Reading Dust Monitors”, American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal, Vol. 57, pp. 557-563. (SCI)
Tsai, C. J.* and Shih, T. S., 1995, “Particle Collection Efficiency of Two Personal Respirable Dust Samplers”, American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal, Vol. 56, pp.911-918. (SCI)
Tsai, C. J.* and Cheng, Y. H., 1995, “Solid Particle Collection Characteristics on Impaction Surfaces of Different Designs”, Aerosol Science and Technology, Vol.23, No. 1, pp.96-106. (SCI)
Tsai, Chuen-Jinn*, Tung-Sheng Shih, Li-Wen Ting, Jen-Der Lin, 1995, “Test of Direct Reading Dust Monitors”, Quarterly Journal of Occupational Safety and Health, Vol. 3, No.1, pp. 37-50. (in Chinese)
Tsai, C. J.*, 1995, “A Field Study of Three Collocated Ambient PM10 Samplers”, Particle and Particle System Characterization Vol.12, pp10-15. (SCI)
Tsai, C. J.* and Lu, H. C., 1995, “Design and Evaluation of a Plate to Plate Thermophoretic Precipitator”, Aerosol Science and Technology, Vol. 22, No. 1, pp. 172-180. (SCI)
Tsai, C. J.* and Huang, H. Y., 1995, “Atmospheric Aerosol Sampling by an Annular Denuder System and a High Volume PM10 Sampler”, Environment International, Vol. 21, No. 3, pp283-291. (SCI)
Tsai, Chuen-Jinn* and Tung-Sheng Shih, 1994, “Performance Evaluation of Size-Selective Dust Sampler”, Quarterly Journal of Occupational Safety and Health, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp, 23-33. (in Chinese)
Tsai, C. J.* and Lu, H. C., 1994, “A Study of Thermophoresis and Theromphoretic Precipitator”, Journal of the Chinese Institute of Environmental Engineering, Vol. 4, No. 4, pp. 257-266.
Tsai, C. J.*, Pui, D. Y. H. and Liu, B. Y. H., 1992, “Transport and Deposition of Wear Particles in Computer Disk Drives”, Particle and Particle System Characterization, Vol.9, pp.31-39. (SCI)
Tsai, C. J.*, Pui, D. Y. H. and Liu, B. Y. H., 1991, “Wear Particle Generation in Thin Film Computer Disk Drives”, Aerosol Science and Technology, Vol.15, pp.36-48. (SCI)
Tsai, C. J.*, Pui, D. Y. H. and Liu, B. Y. H., 1991, “Elastic Flattening and Particle Adhesion”, Aerosol Science and Technology, Vol.15, No. 4, pp.239-255. (SCI)
Tsai, C. J.*, Pui, D. Y. H. and Liu, B. Y. H., 1991, “Detachment of Particles from Disk Surfaces of Computer Disk Drives”, Journal of Aerosol Science, Vol. 22, No. 6, pp. 737-746. (SCI)
Ye, Y., Tsai, C. J., Pui, D. Y. H. and Lewis, C. W., 1991, “Particle Transmission Characteristics of An Annular Denuder Ambient Sampling Systems”, Aerosol Science and Technology, Vol.14, No.1, pp.102-111. (SCI)
Tsai, C. J.*, Pui, D. Y. H. and Liu, B. Y. H., 1990, “Capture and Rebound of Small Particles upon Impact with Solid Surface”, Aerosol Science and Technology, Vol. 12, No. 3, pp.497-507. (SCI)
Tsai, C. J.* and Pui, D. Y. H., 1990, “Numerical Study of Particle Loss in Bends of a Circular Cross Section-Laminar Flow Regime”, Aerosol Science and Technology, Vol.12, No. 4, pp.813-831. (SCI)
Pui, D. Y. H., Lewis, C. W., Tsai, C. J. and Liu, B. Y. H., 1990, “Compact Denuder Design for Atmospheric Aerosol Sampling”, Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 24, No. 3, pp. 307-312. (SCI)
Conference Papers
Thi-Thuy-Nghiem NGUYEN, Thi-Cuc LE, Sheng-Hua CHEN, Yi-Hsuan L, Yu-Ting SUNG, Huan-Cheng WEN, Cheng-Hung WU, Chuen-Jinn TSAI, The influence of COVID-19 pandemic on PM2.5 air quality in Northern Taiwan during Q1 2020 to Q2 2021, IAC 2022 (International Aerosol Conference), 4-9 Sept, 2022, Athens, Greece. . 本人為通訊作者.
Gung-Hwa Hong, Hung-Wen Cheng, Guan-Yu Lin, Thi-Cuc Le, Jhi Yuan Yu, Chuen-Jinn Tsai, Long-term field calibration of low-cost Sensirion SGP30 MOS VOC sensors, IAC 2022 (International Aerosol Conference), 4-9 Sept, 2022, Athens, Greece. . 本人為通訊作者.
Pallavi Gajanan Barhate, Thi-Cuc Le, Kai-Jing Zeng, Chuen-Jinn Tsai (2022, Jun). Suppression of PM2.5 Evaporation Loss by Using a Honeycomb Dehumidifying and Cooling System. The 12th Asian Aerosol Conference., National Taiwan University., Taipei, Taiwan, June 12-15, 2022. 本人為通訊作者.
Thi-Thuy-Nghiem Nguyen, Thi-Cuc Le, Sheng-Hua Chen, Yi-Hsuan Li, Yu-Ting Sung, Huan-Cheng Wen, Cheng-Hung Wu, Chuen-Jinn Tsai (2022, Jun). The influence of COVID-19 pandemic on PM2.5 air quality in Northern Taiwan during Q1 2020 to Q2 2021.The 12th Asian Aerosol Conference., National Taiwan University., Taipei, Taiwan, June 12-15, 2022. 本人為通訊作者.
Hsueh-Hsing Lu, Chun-Pei Lin, Tung-Sheng Tsai, Chuen-Jinn Tsai. (2022, Jun). A Novel Wet Electrostatic Precipitator for Continuous Operation. The 12th Asian Aerosol Conference., National Taiwan University., Taipei, Taiwan, June 12-15, 2022. 本人為通訊作者.
Wen-Cheng Gong, Yang Ray Li, Chun-Hsuan Lin, Nicolas Jidenko, Jean-Pascal Borra, Chuen-Jinn Tsai. (2022, Jun). Development of a PM Electrostatic monitor (PEM). The 12th Asian Aerosol Conference., National Taiwan University., Taipei, Taiwan, June 12-15, 2022. 本人為通訊作者.
Thi-Cuc Le, Antonius Steven, Yi-Wei Sun, Xiang-Ken Peng, Chuen-Jinn Tsai. (2022, Jun). Removal of submicron particles utilizing condensational growth method. The 12th Asian Aerosol Conference., National Taiwan University., Taipei, Taiwan, June 12-15, 2022. 本人為通訊作者.
Thi-Cuc Le, Chun-Hsuan Lin, Wen-Cheng Gong, Chuen-Jinn Tsai. (2022, Jun). Non-bouncing inertial impactor for nanoparticle classification with high particle loading concentration. The 12th Asian Aerosol Conference., National Taiwan University., Taipei, Taiwan, June 12-15, 2022. 本人為通訊作者.
Gung-Hwa Hong, Hung-Wen Cheng, Guan-Yu Lin, Thi-Cuc Le, Chuen-Jinn Tsai. (2022, Jun). Long-term field calibration of low-cost Sensirion SGP30 MOS VOCs sensors. The 12th Asian Aerosol Conference., National Taiwan University., Taipei, Taiwan, June 12-15, 2022. 本人為通訊作者.
龔文誠,李陽瑞,林君璇,蔡春進 (2021, Sep). 一個微粒靜電監測儀的開發. 第28屆國際氣膠科技研討會, 國立屏東科技大學, 屏東, 台灣. 本人為通訊作者.
學興, 林君霈, 蔡春進, 蔡東昇 (2021, Sep). 可連續操作的新穎濕式靜電集塵器. 第28屆國際氣膠科技研討會, 國立屏東科技大學, 屏東, 台灣. 本人為通訊作者.
Pallavi Gajanan Barhate, Kai-Jing Zeng, Thi-Cuc Le, Chuen-Jinn Tsai. (2021, Sep). Improving the accuracy of PM2.5 mass measurement by controlling sampling conditions.. The 28th International Conference on Aerosol Science and Technology., Pingtung Univ. of Sci. and Technol., Pingtung. 本人為通訊作者
Nghiem Thi Thuy Nguyen, Yu-Ting Sung, Tang-Yu Kuo, Yi-Hsuan Li, Sheng-Hua Chen, Chuen-Jinn, Tsai. (2021, Sep). The air quality in Northern Taiwan during the Covid-19 pandemic.. The 28th International Conference on Aerosol Science and Technology., Pingtung Univ. of Sci. and Technol., Pingtung. 本人為通訊作者.
Chun-Hsuan Lin and Chuen-Jinn Tsai, A new personal nanoparticle sampler (nPENS), 2019 16th Cross-Strait Workshop for Aerosol Science and Technology, Luoyang, China, Nov. 15-18, 2019.
Chuen-Jinn Tsai. Improvement of PM2.5 sampling and monitoring techniques, Keynote speech, 2019 16th Cross-Strait Workshop for Aerosol Science and Technology, Luoyang, China, Nov. 15-18, 2019.
Krishna K. Shukla, Thi-Cuc Le, Ta Chun Chen, Chuen-Jinn Tsai. Field Evaluation of Low-cost Plantower PM Sensors at an Urban Site, 2019 11th Asian Aerosol Conference, Hong Kong, May 27-30, 2019.
Thi-Cuc Le, Krishna Kumar Shukla, Jung-Che Sung, Ziyi Li, Chuen-Jinn Tsai. The sampling performance of the traditional EPA 16.7 L/min PM10 and PM2.5 Inlets, 2019 11th Asian Aerosol Conference, Hong Kong, May 27-30, 2019.
Nghiem-Thi-Thuy Nguyen, Ssi-Ying Lai, Yung-Chen Chiang, Chao-Ting Hsu, Chi-Yu Tien, Chuen-Jinn Tsai. Semi-dry Electrostatic Precipitator (SDEP) Based Systems for Real-time Monitoring of PM2.5 Precursor Gases, Inorganic Ions and Metals, 2019 11th Asian Aerosol Conference, Hong Kong, May 27-30, 2019.
Chi-Yu Tien, Wen-Cheng Gong, Chuen-Jinn Tsai, 2018. A Shaker Fluidized-bed Atomizer (SFA) for Nanopowder Dispersion with Stable Aerosol Concentrations, 2018 International Aerosol Conference (IAC), St. Louis, USA, Sep. 2-7, 2018.
Thi-Cuc Le, Jung-Che Sung, K.K. Shukla, Chuen-Jinn Tsai, 2018, M-WINS Inlet for Continuous PM2.5 Sampling, 2018 International Aerosol Conference (IAC), St. Louis, USA, Sep. 2-7, 2018.
Thi-Cuc Le, Krishna Kumar Shukla, Jung-Che Sung, Jia Feng, Ziyi Li, Chuen-Jinn Tsai, 2018, Sampling Efficiency of PM10 Inlets with Different Impaction Substrates, 2018 International Aerosol Conference (IAC), St. Louis, USA, Sep. 2-7, 2018.
Chuen-Jinn Tsai, plenary lecture, Improvement of Inhalation Toxicity Testing for Nanomaterials and Compliance Monitoring for Ambient PM, 2018 International Aerosol Conference (IAC), St. Louis, USA, Sep. 2-7, 2018.
Feng Jia, Yu-Ling Shih, Chuen-Jinn Tsai, 2017, Numerical and Experimental Studies of Znic Oxide Nanoparticle Formation in a Quenching Chemical Vapor Synthesis Reactor, 2017 Asian Aerosol Conference, July 3-6, 2017, Jeju, Republic of Korea.
Thi Cuc Le and Chuen-Jinn Tsai, 2017, Non-Bouncing PM2.5 Impactor as the Inlet of the PM2.5 Sampler, 2017 Asian Aerosol Conference, July 3-6, 2017, Jeju, Republic of Korea.
Mo-Fei Tung, Ziyi Li, Yung-Jie Lin, Wen-Chang Kong, Chuen-Jinn Tsai, 2017, Experimental and Theoretical Studies of a Two-Stage Electrostatic Precipitator for Oil Fume Control, 2017 Asian Aerosol Conference, July 3-6, 2017, Jeju, Republic of Korea.
Chi-Yu Tien, Michel Attoui, Ran-Hao Ke, Chuen-Jinn Tsai, 2017, The Development of a Ten-Stage Electrical Micro-Orifice Cascade Impactor (EMCI) for the Real Time Monitoring of Aerosol Size Distribution from 32 nm to 10 µm, 2017 Asian Aerosol Conference, July 3-6, 2017, Jeju, Republic of Korea.
施郁伶, 賈峰, 蔡春進, 2016, 快速冷卻對化學氣相合成法製備奈米氧化鋅微粒之特性研究 , 2016年台灣氣膠學會年會, 2016.09.23-24, 國立陽明大學, 台北巿
林雍傑, 翁愷毅, 蔡春進, 2016, 一個二階靜電集塵器的集塵效率測試和理論模式研究 , 2016年台灣氣膠學會年會, 2016.09.23-24, 國立陽明大學, 台北巿
施佩昀, 蔡春進, 2016, 降低手動PM2.5採樣器的濾紙溫度增加PM2.5測值的準確性, 2016年台灣氣膠學會年會, 2016.09.23-24, 國立陽明大學, 台北巿
Thi-Cuc Le, Chuen-Jinn Tsai, 2016, Particle Loss and Loaded Particle Mass Effects on the Collection Efficiency of the Well Impactor Ninety-Six PM2.5 Sampling Inlet, 2016 European Aerosol Conference, Sep. 4-9, 2016, Tours, France.
Thi-Cuc Le, Chuen-Jinn Tsai, 2016, Unattended Continuous Monitoring PM2.5 Sampling Inlet Well Impactor Ninety-Six, 2016 International Conference on Aerosol Science and Technology, Sep. 23-24, 2016, National Yang-Min Univ., Taipei, Taiwan.
Feng Jia, Yu-Ling Shih, Chuen-Jinn Tsai, 2016, 3D CFD-PBM coupled model of a chemical vapor synthesis reactor for ZnO nanoparticles, 2016 International Conference on Aerosol Science and Technology, Sep. 23-24, 2016, National Yang-Min Univ., Taipei, Taiwan.
Thi-Cuc Le and Chuen-Jinn Tsai, A Modified Well Impactor Ninety-six (m-WINS) Without Particle Loading Effect, The 9th Asian Aerosol Conference (AAC), Jun. 24-27, 2015, Kanazawa, Japan.
Virat Wattanamekhinkul, Po-Che Wu, Chuen-Jinn Tsai, 2015, Charging Efficiency of the Single-wire Unipolar Particle Charger, The 9th Asian Aerosol Conference (AAC), Jun. 24-27, 2015, Kanazawa, Japan.
Thi- Minh- Phuong Tran, Zi-yi Li, Chuen-Jinn Tsai, 2015, Numerical Modeling of Fine Particle Collection Efficiency of Wire-on Plate Electrostatic Precipitator, The 9th Asian Aerosol Conference (AAC), Jun. 24-27, 2015, Kanazawa, Japan.
Shih-Fan Lin, Chuen-Jinn Tsai, Guo-Jei Wu, Chung-Fang Chen, 2015, Reconstructed PM2.5 Concentration in North Taiwan, The 9th Asian Aerosol Conference (AAC), Jun. 24-27, 2015, Kanazawa, Japan.
Hui-Chuan Kuo, Zi-Yi Li, Ying-Shu Liu, Chuen-Jinn Tsai, Kuo-Chieh Wu, Chung-Fang Chen, 2015, Validation and Application of PPWD-PILS System for Measuring Water-Soluble Inorganic Ions of PM2.5 and Precursor Gases, The 9th Asian Aerosol Conference (AAC), Jun. 24-27, 2015, Kanazawa, Japan.
Guan-Yu Lin, Guo-Rui Lee, Guo-Chieh Wu, Gwo-Dong Roam, Chung-Fang Chen, and Chuen-Jinn Tsai, 2015, Characteristics of Atmospheric Ultrafine Particles at Three Air Quality Stations of Northern Taiwan, The 9th Asian Aerosol Conference (AAC), Jun. 24-27, 2015, Kanazawa, Japan.
Bo-Xi Liao, Chun-Wan Chen, Chuen-Jinn Tsai, 2015, Effect of Classification Performance Parameter on the Mass Measurement of the Aerosol Particle Mass Analyzer, The 9th Asian Aerosol Conference (AAC), Jun. 24-27, 2015, Kanazawa, Japan.
Chuen-Jinn Tsai, Chun-Nan Liu and Shi-Fan Lin, keynote speech, The accuracy of filter-based PM2.5 samplers, 2014 International Aerosol Conference, BEXCO, Busan, Korea, Aug. 28-Sep. 2, 2014.
Chuen-Jinn Tsai, The Transfer Function of an Aerosol Particle Mass Analyzer, Aerosol Technology 2014, Karlsruhe, Germany, June 16-18, 2014.
蔡春進, 邀請演講, 细悬浮微粒(PM2.5)及奈米微粒的检测及控制设备研究, 北京科技大学机械工程学院, 2014. 05. 13.
Chuen-Jinn Tsai, keynote speaker, The Mass Measurement Accuracy of Fine Particles and Nanoparticles by using the Aerosol Particle Mass Analyzer, The 7th World Congress on Particle Technology (WCPT7), Beijing, China, May 19-22, 2014.
Chuen-Jinn Tsai, keynote speaker, Advances of monitoring and sampling techniques of PM2.5 and its precursor gases, 1st Aerosol Research Workshop, Kanomax Inc., Shinagawa Intercity, Tokyo, Japan, April 11, 2014
Chuen-Jinn Tsai, invited speaker, The Effect of Nanoparticle Convection-Diffusion Loss on the Transfer Function of an Aerosol Particle Mass Analyzer, APM session, 1st Aerosol Research Workshop, Kanomax Inc., Shinagawa Intercity, Tokyo, Japan, April 11, 2014
蔡春進, 台灣空氣污染監測技術的研究發展, 邀請演講, "環境污染物監測、控制與評估技術研討會",中國廣州華南理工大學, 2014. 01. 19.
劉俊男,蔡春進,林思帆,李國瑞,張瑞喬,巫月春,陳重方, 2013, 大氣細微粒檢測準確度的研究, 第三屆海峽兩岸環境保護會議-澎湖論壇 , 澎湖縣馬公市澎湖科技大學, 2013年8月15-17日.
蔡春進, 2013, PM2.5的檢測與控制技術, 浙江大學, , 邀請演講, 中國杭洲 , Apr. 25, 2013.
蔡春進, 2013, PM2.5的檢測技術研究進展, 「PM2.5污染控制與能源利用」研討會, 邀請演講, 清華大學, 中國北京 , Apr. 22-25, 2013
Chuen-Jinn Tsai, 2013, Design and performance of PM and nanoparticle samplers: current status and challenges, plenary talk, International Conference on Advances in Metrology (AdMet2013), National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi, Feb. 21-23, 2013.
Chuen-Jinn Tsai, 2013, Measurement of fine and ultrafine particles in the atmosphere, plenary talk, Pre-AdMet workshop on “Chemical Metrology: Challenges and Opportunities in Gases & Aerosols”, National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi, Feb. 20, 2013.
Chuen-Jinn Tsai, 2013, Sampling and Detection of Fine Particles and Precursor Gases, plenary talk, 2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on “Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management”, Oct. 23-26, 2013, Yilan (Ilan), Taiwan.
Chuen-Jinn Tsai, 2013, Recent research advances in PM2.5 monitoring and sampling techniques, plenary talk, 10th National Aerosol conference, May 16-19, 2013, Wuhan, China.
蔡春進, 2013, 大氣細微粒(PM2.5)的準確度研究, 第一屆海峽兩岸環境分析化學學術研討, invited talk, 2013年 7月29日-8月2日, 大連, 中國.
Chuen-Jinn Tsai, 2013, PM2.5 Sampling Artifacts of Filter based Samplers, 8th Asian Aerosol Conference, Dec. 2-5, 2013, Sydney, Australia.
Virat Wattanamekhinkul, Chuen-Jinn Tsai, 2013, Charging efficiency of the single-wire corona unipolar charger with radial sheath flow, The 8th Asia-Pacific International Symposium on the Basics and Applications of Plasma Technology (APSPT), Dec. 20-22, 2013, Hsinchu, Taiwan.
Thi-Minh-Phuong Tran, Chuen-Jinn Tsai, 2013, Study of the Collection Efficiency of Multipoint-to-Plane Electrostatic Precipitators, The 8th Asia-Pacific International Symposium on the Basics and Applications of Plasma Technology (APSPT), Dec. 20-22, 2013, Hsinchu, Taiwan.
Chuen-Jinn Tsai, 2013, A corona-based unipolar charger for nanoparticle charging, invited talk, The 8th Asia-Pacific International Symposium on the Basics and Applications of Plasma Technology (APSPT), Dec. 20-22, 2013, Hsinchu, Taiwan.
Chun-Nan Liu, Sih-Fan Lin, Chuen-Jinn Tsai, 2013, The evaporation loss of fine particles in the multi-filter PM10-PM2.5 sampler, AAAR 32nd Annual Conference, Sep. 30-Oct. 4, Portland, USA.
Chun-Nan Liu, Guo-Rui Lee, Amit Awasthi, Yi-Hung Hung, Chuen-Jinn Tsai, Yueh-Chuen Wu, Chung-Fang Chen, 2013, Difference in 24-h average PM2.5 concentrations between the beta attenuation monitor (BAM) and the dichotomous sampler (Dichot), 2013年(第27屆)環境分析化學研討會, May 3-4, Taoyuan, Taiwan.
Chun-Nan Liu, Sih-Fan Lin, Chuen-Jinn Tsai, 2013, The evaporation loss of fine particles in the multi-filter PM10-PM2.5 sampler (MFPPS), 2013年(第27屆)環境分析化學研討會, May 3-4, Taoyuan, Taiwan.
Hong-Hanh Vu and Chuen-Jinn Tsai, 2013, The Dynamic Shape Factor of Silver Nanoparticle Agglomerates, 6th International Symposium on Nanotechnology, Occupational and Environmental Health, October 28-31, Nagoya, Japan.
Hanh H. Vu, Chiun N. Tzeng, and Jinn C. Tsai, 2013, The Dynamic Shape Factor of Silver Nanoparticle Agglomerates, The 1st International Conference on Emerging Contaminants, October 13-15, Kao-Hsiung, Taiwan.
Hong-Hanh Vu and Chuen-Jinn Tsai, 2013, The Dynamic Shape Factor of Silver Nanoparticle Agglomerates, the 2013 International Conference on Aerosol Science & Technology, September 27-28, Jhong-Li, Taiwan.
Bo-Xi Liao, Guan-Yu Lin, Neng-Chium Zeng, Chun-Wan Chen, and Chuen-Jinn Tsai, 2013, Enhanced Nanoparticle Diffusion Loss due to Recirculation Flow in the Aerosol Particle Mass Analyzer, 6th International Symposium on Nanotechnology, Occupational and Environmental Health, October 28-31, Nagoya, Japan.
Guan-Yu Lin, Bo-Xi Liao, Neng-Chium Zeng, Chun-Wan Chen, and Chuen-Jinn Tsai, The Transfer Function of Spherical Nanoparticle in the Aerosol Particle Mass Analyzer, 2013, A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on “Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management Conference”, October 23-26, YiLan, Taiwan.
Guan-Yu Lin, Bo-Xi Liao, Neng-Chium Zeng, and Chuen-Jinn Tsai, 2013, The Penetration of spherical Nanoparticles Passing Through Aerosol Particle Mass Analyzer, 10th Conference on Environmental Protection and Nanotechnology, May 17, HsinChu, Taiwan.
Guan-Yu Lin, Bo-Xi Liao, Neng-Chium Zeng, and Chuen-Jinn Tsai, 2013, Mass Measurement of Nanoparticles and Submicron Particles, 2013年(第27屆)環境分析化學研討會, May 3-4, Taoyuan, Taiwan.
Chun-Nan Liu, Amit Awasthi, Yi-Hung Hung, Chuen-Jinn Tsai, Yueh-Chuen Wu, Chung-Fang Chen, 2013, Difference in 24-h average PM2.5 concentrations between the beta attenuation monitor (BAM) and the dichotomous sampler (Dichot), 11st National Aerosol Conference and 10th Cross-strait workshop for Aerosol Science and Technology, May 16-19, 2013, Wuhan, China.
Virat Wattanamekhinkul, Chih-Liang Chein, Chuen-Jinn Tsai, 2013, Charging efficiency of the single-wire corona unipolar charger with radial sheath flow, The 8th Asia-Pacific International Symposium on the Basics and Applications of Plasma Technology, December 20-22, Hsinchu, Taiwan.
Virat Wattanamekhinkul, Chih-Liang Chein, Chuen-Jinn Tsai, 2013, Charging efficiency of the single-wire corona unipolar charger with radial sheath flow, The 2013 European Aerosol Conference (EAC 2013), September 1-6, Prague, Czech Republic.
Hong-Hanh Vu, Neng-Jiun Zeng, Chun-Wan Chen, and Chuen-Jinn Tsai, 2012, Structure properties and dynamic shape factor of nano-silver agglomerates, 2012 Taiwan Environmental Conference, November 23-24, Zhong Li, Tao Yuan, Taiwan.
Balakrishnaiah Gugamsetty, Han Wei, Chun-Nan Liu, Amit Awasthi, Chuen-Jinn Tsai, 2012, Source Apportionment of PM in Zhonshang, Taiwan, 19th International Conference on Aerosol Science and Technology and Conference on Management and Strategies of PM2.5, Sep 21-22, 2012, Taichung, Taiwan.
Balakrishnaiah Gugamsetty, Han Wei, Amit Awasthi, Chun-Nan Liu, Chuen-Jinn Tsai, Shih-Chieh Hsu, Yue-Chuen Wu, Chung-Fang Chen, 2012, Chemical compositions and source apportionment of particulate matter in hsuehshan tunnel, Taiwan. 19th International Conference on Aerosol Science and Technology and Conference on Management and Strategies of PM2.5, Sep 21-22, 2012, Taichung, Taiwan.
Hong-Hanh Vu, Neng-Jiun Zeng, Chun-Wan Chen, Chuen-Jinn Tsai, 2012, Structural properties of silver nanoparticle agglomerates based on transmission electron microscopy (TEM) images, 2012 International Conference on Aerosol Science & Technology, September 21-22, Taichung, Taiwan.
Chih-Liang Chien, Chuen-Jinn Tsai, 2012, Improvement of the Nanoparticle Charging Efficiency of a Single-wire Corona Unipolar Charger by Using Radial Sheath Air Flow: Numerical Study, Proceeding, 20th International Conference on Aerosol Science and Technology, page 53–56, Sep. 21–22, 2012, Taichung, Taiwan.
Chih-Liang Chien, Chuen-Jinn Tsai, Virat Wattanmekhinkul, 2012, Improvement of the Nanoparticle Charging Efficiency by Using Sheath Air Flow in a Single-wire Corona Unipolar Charger, 2012 EAC conference, Abstract no. WG08S1O05, Sep. 2–7, 2012, Granda, Spain.
Balakrishnaiah Gugamsetty, Han Wei, Chun-Nan Liu, Amit Awasthi, Gwo-Dong Roam, Yue-Chuen Wu, Chung-Fang Chen, Chuen-Jinn Tsai, 2012, Source apportionment of PM10, PM2.5 and PM0.1 by positive matrix factorization analysis over three stations in Taiwan, 9th Conference on Environmental Protection and Nanotechnology, May 18, 2012, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
蔡春進、劉宗勇、張宣武、蘇鈺珊、簡誌良、葉芳竹 ,2012,主要先進國家與組織的奈米技術環境、健康與安全(EHS)的法規進展,2012年5月18日,高雄,台灣。
Chuen-Jinn Tsai, Balakrishnaiah, Chun-Nan Liu, Han Wei, Amit Awasthi, 2012, Source apportionment of PM10, PM2.5 and PM0.1 by positive matrix factorization analysis over three stations in Taiwan, Proceeding of the 9th Conference on Environmental Protection and Nanotechnology, May 18, 2012, Kaoshiung, Taiwan.
Chih-Liang Chien, Chuen-Jinn Tsai, Virat Wattanmekhinku, 2012, Improvement of the nanoparticle charging efficiency by using sheath air flow in a single-wire corona unipolar charger, Proceeding of the 9th Conference on Environmental Protection and Nanotechnology, May 18, 2012, Kaoshiung, Taiwan.
Chun-Nan Liu, Amit Awasthi, G. Balakrishnaiah, Gwo-Dong Roam,Yue-Chuen Wu, Chung-Fang Chen, Chuen-Jinn Tsai, 2012, Collection efficiency and interstage loss of nanoparticles in the MOUDI, Proceeding of the 9th Conference on Environmental Protection and Nanotechnology, May 18, 2012, Kaoshiung, Taiwan.
Guan-Yu Lin, Chih-Liang Chien, Chuen-Jinn Tsai, 2012, The Influence of Ambient Relative Humidity on Particle Bounce in a Cascade Impactor, Proceeding of the 9th Conference on Environmental Protection and Nanotechnology, May 18, 2012, Kaoshiung, Taiwan.
Balakrishnaiah Gugamsetty, Han Wei, Amit Awasthi, Chuen-Jinn Tsai, 2012, Source apportionment of PM10, PM2.5 and PM0.1 by positive matrix factorization analysis over three stations in Taiwan, Abstract, 2012 Annual Conference of Enviromental Analysis, May 4-May 5, 2012, Kaoshiung, Taiwan.
Amit Awasthi, Chun Nan Liu, Balakrishnaiah Gugamsetty, Chuen-Jinn Tsai, 2012, Collection efficiency and interstageloss of nanoparticles in the MOUDI. Abstract, 2012 Annual Conference of EnviromentalAnalysis, May 4- 5, 2012, Kaoshiung, Taiwan.
Chuen-Jinn Tsai, Balakrishnaiah, Chun-Nan Liu, Han Wei, Amit Awasthi, 2012, Source apportionment of PM10, PM2.5 and PM0.1 by positive matrix factorization analysis over three stations in Taiwan, 9th cross-strait conference on aerosol technology, March 28-31, 2012, Xiamen, China.
Yi Lin Liu, Guan Yu Lin, Yu Shan Yang, Wu Ju Kuo, Chuen-Jinn Tsai, 2012, Water-soluble inorganic particle monitoring technique, 9th cross-strait conference on aerosol technology, March 28-31, 2012, Xiamen, China.
Chun-Nan Liu, Amit Awasthi, Chuen-Jinn Tsai, 2012, Collection efficiency and interstage loss of nanoparticles in the MOUDI, 9th cross-strait conference on aerosol technology, March 28-31, 2012, Xiamen, China.
Hsi-Hsien Yang, Cedric Ho, Kui-Ting Lee, Chuen-Jinn Tsai, Shih-Chieh Hsu, Measurement of Ultrafine Particulate Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons using Denuder and Cascade Impactor, 18th International Conference on Aerosol Science and Technology, Tainan, Taiwan, Oct. 13-14, 2011.
Tsai, C. J., Blanco, R. (2011). Quenching of zinc vapor for generation of zinc oxide nanoparticles, 18th International Conference on Aerosol Science and Technology, Tainan, Taiwan, Oct. 13-14, 2011.
Wu, B. S., Sheu, S. R., Tsai, C. J. (2011). The measurement accuracy of number distribution in fast mobility particle sizer compared with a ultrafine water-based condensation particle counter equipping scanning mobility particle sizer, 18th International Conference on Aerosol Science and Technology, Tainan, Taiwan, Oct. 13-14, 2011.
Chen, S. C., Hsu, S. C., Tsai, C. J., Chou, C. K., Lin N. H., Lee C. T., Roam, G. D., Pui, D.Y. H. (2011). Ultrafine, fine and coarse particle characterization at Lu-Lin background site, Taiwan, 18th International Conference on Aerosol Science and Technology, Tainan, Taiwan, Oct. 13-14, 2011.
Tzeng, N. J., Tsai, C. J., Chen, C. W. (2011). The characterization of nano-silver particles, 7th AAC conference, Xian, China, Aug. 17–20, 2011.
Hung, Y. H., Tsai, C. J., Liu, C. N., Wu, J. S., Chen C. F. (2011). The characterization of ultrafine particle by transportation emissions, 7th AAC conference, Xian, China, Aug. 17–20, 2011.
Chien, C. L., Tsai, C. J., Chen, H. L., Lin, G. Y., Wu, J. S. (2011). Numerical Modeling of Nanoparticle Charging Efficiency of Corona-Wire Unipolar Aerosol Charger, Proceeding, 7th AAC conference, page 561, Xian, China, Aug. 17–20, 2011.
Liu, C. N., Hung, S. M., Tsai, C. J. (2011). Solid Particle Collection Characteristics in a Nanoparticle Impactor, 18th International Conference on Aerosol Science and Technology, Tainan, Taiwan, Oct. 13-14, 2011.
Liu, C. N., He, C. E., Chen, S. C., Huang, C. Y., Chen, C. W., Chang, C. P., Tsai, C. J. (2011). Surface Area and Size Distribution Measurements for Nanoparticles Generated from Nanopowders by a Small-Scale Powder Disperser, 7th Asian Aerosol Conference, Xian, China, Aug. 17-20, 2011.
Liu, C. N., He, C. E., Chen, S. C., Huang, C. Y., Chen, C. W., Chang, C. P., Tsai, C. J. (2011). Surface Area and Size Distribution Measurements for Nanoparticles Generated from Nanopowders by a Small-Scale Powder Disperser, 5th International Symposium on Nanotechnology, Occupational and Environmental Health, Boston, U. S. A., Aug. 9-13, 2011.
Liu, C. N., Hung, S. M., Uang, S. N., Tsai, C. J. (2011). A Novel Personal Nanoparticle Sampler, International Conference on Industrial Hygiene and Environmental Occupational Medical, Taichung, Taiwan, Apr. 23-24, 2011.
Shao-Ming Hung, Chun-Nan Liu, Sheng-Chieh Chen, Shi-Nian Uang and Chuen-Jinn Tsai, A Novel IOSH-NCTU personal nanoparticle sampler, 5th International Symposium on Nanotechnology, Occupational and Environmental Health, Boston, U. S. A., Aug. 9-13, 2011.
Shin-You Chen, Hau-Chieh Lin, Fang-Tang Chang, Hung-Min Chien, Chuen-Jinn Tsai, An Efficient Wetted-wall Venturi Scrubber with a Two Stage Throat,17th International Conference on Aerosol Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan, Sep. 24-25, 2010.
Cheng-Yu Huang, Yi-Ling Liou, Chi-En He, Chun-Wan Chen, Tung-Sheng Shih, Michael J. Ellenbecker, Su-Jung (Candace) Tsai, Chuen-Jinn Tsai, Nanoparticle exposure assessment at different workplaces, 17th International Conference on Aerosol Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan, Sep. 24-25, 2010.
Sheng-Chieh Chen, Cheng-Yu Huang, Hong-Dar Chen, Chuen-Jinn Tsai, The Influence of Relative Humidity on Nanoparticle Concentration and Particle Mass Distribution Measurement by the MOUDI,17th International Conference on Aerosol Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan, Sep. 24-25, 2010.
Chun-Nan Liu, Sheng-Chieh Chen and Chuen-Jinn Tsai, A Novel Multi-Channel PM10-PM2.5 Sampler (MCPPS), 17th International Conference on Aerosol Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan, Sep. 24-25, 2010.
Shao-Ming Hung, Chun-Nan Liu, Sheng-Chieh Chen, Shi-Nian Uang, Chuen-Jinn Tsai, Design and Validation of a Personal Nanoparticle Sampler,17th International Conference on Aerosol Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan, Sep. 24-25, 2010.
Yun-Yi Lin, Chuen-Jinn Tsai, Simulation of Dispersion and Opacity of White Plumes, 17th International Conference on Aerosol Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan, Sep. 24-25, 2010.
Guan-Yu Lin, Chuen-Jinn Tsai, Chih-Liang Chien, Numerical Modeling of Nanoparticle Collection Efficiency of Single-Stage Wire-in-Plate Electrostatic Precipitators, 17th International Conference on Aerosol Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan, Sep. 24-25, 2010.
Rodrigo Blanco, Yueh-Ping Ku, Chuen-Jinn Tsai, Quenching of Zinc Vapor for the Generation of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticle, 17th International Conference on Aerosol Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan, Sep. 24-25, 2010.
Chih-Liang Chien, Hui-Lin Chen, Guan-Yu Lin, Chuen-Jinn Tsai, Experimental and Numerical Study of a Nanoparticle Charger by Using Sheath Air Flow, 17th International Conference on Aerosol Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan, Sep. 24-25, 2010.
Chi-En Ho, Cheng-Yu Huang, Yi Ling Liou, Yi-Ling Chou, Chen-Ping Chang, Chun-Wan Chen, Chuen-Jinn Tsai, A Study of Emission Characteristics of Nanopowders Using Different Dispersion Methods, Proceeding, 17th International Conference on Aerosol Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan, Sep. 24-25, 2010.
Sheng-Chieh Chen, Chuen-Jinn Tsai, Hong-Dar Chen, Chen-Yu Hunag, 2010, The Influence of Ambient Relative Humidity on Particle Bounce in a Cascade Impactor, Abstract, International Aerosol Conference 2010, Helsinki, Finland, Aug. 29-Sep. 3, 2010.
Chun-Nan Liu, Sheng-Chieh Chen, Chun-Wan Chen, Chuen-Jinn Tsai, 2010, A Novel Multi-Channel PM10-PM2.5 Sampler (MCPPS), Abstract, International Aerosol Conference 2010, Helsinki, Finland, Aug. 29-Sep. 3, 2010.
Guan-Yu Lin, Chih-Liang Chien, Chuen-Jinn Tsai, 2010, A Mathematical Model for Predicting the Nanosized Particle Collection Efficiency in a Single-Stage Wire-in-Plate Wet Electrostatic Precipitator, Abstract, International Aerosol Conference 2010, Helsinki, Finland, Aug. 29-Sep. 3, 2010.
Chuen-Jinn Tsai, Cheng-Yu Huang, Chuen-Wann Chen, Sheng-Chieh Chen, Chi-En Ho, 2010, Measurement of Nanoparticle Exposure at Different Workplaces, Abstract, International Aerosol Conference 2010, Helsinki, Finland, Aug. 29-Sep. 3, 2010.
Chuen-Jinn Tsai, Chih-Liang Chien, Hui-Lin Chen, Guan-Yu Lin, 2010, Experimental and Numerical Study of a Nanoparticle Charger by Using Sheath Air Flow, Abstract, International Aerosol Conference 2010, Helsinki, Finland, Aug. 29-Sep. 3, 2010.
Guan-Yu Lin, Chuen-Jinn Tsai, Numerical Modeling of Nanoparticle Collection Efficiency of a Single-Stage Wire-in-Plate Electrostatic Precipitator. Abstract, AAAR 29th Annual Conference, Portland, Oregon, Oct. 25-29, 2010.
Sheng-Chieh Chen, Chuen-Jinn Tsai, 2010, The Influence of Relative Humidity on Nanoparticle Concentration and Particle Mass Distribution Measurements by the MOUDI, Abstract, AAAR 29th Annual Conference, Portland, Oregon, Oct. 25-29, 2010.
Chuen-Jinn Tsai, 2010, Taiwan’s Efforts to Ensure Sustainability and Responsible Development of Nanotechnology, invited talk in “Long-term Impacts and Future Opportunities for nanotechnology”, US-Japan-Korea-Taiwan Workshop, WTEC Nano2 Workshop, Tsukuba International Congress Center, July 26-27, 2010, Tsukuba, Japan.
Chuen-Jinn Tsai, 2010, Measurement of Nanoparticle Exposure at Different Workplaces, invited talk, EPICOH-MEDICHEM 2010 April 20-25, Taipei, Taiwan.
Chuen-Jinn Tsai, 2010, Exposure Measurement of Nanoparticles, invited talk, 2010 Annual Conference of Enviromental Analysis, April 30-May 1, 2010, Taichung, Taiwan.
Chuen-Jinn Tsai, 2010, Taiwan’s Efforts to Ensure Sustainability and Responsible Development of Nanotechnology, invited talk in “Long-term Impacts and Future Opportunities for nanotechnology”, US-Japan-Korea-Taiwan Workshop, WTEC Nano2 Workshop, Tsukuba International Congress Center, July 26-27, 2010, Tsukuba, Japan.
Chuen-Jinn Tsai, 2010, Measurement of Nanoparticle Exposure at Different Workplaces, invited talk, EPICOH-MEDICHEM 2010 April 20-25, Taipei, Taiwan.
Chuen-Jinn Tsai, 2010, Exposure Measurement of Nanoparticles, invited talk, 2010, Annual Conference of Enviromental Analysis, April 30-May 1, 2010, Taichung, Taiwan.
S. C. Chen, C. Y. Huang, H. D. Chen, and C. J. Tsai, 2010, The Influence of Ambient Relative Humidity on Particle Bounce in a Cascade Impactor, Proceeding of the 8th International Symposium on Advanced Environmental Monitoring, June 29 ~ July 2, 2010, Sapporo, Japan.
Yueh-Ping Ku, Guan-Yu Lin, Caddie Yang and Chuen-Jinn Tsai, 2010, A Parallel-Plate Wet Denuder Technique for Real-Time Monitoring of Acidic Gases in Air, Proceeding of the 8th International Symposium on Advanced Environmental Monitoring, June 29 ~ July 2, 2010, Sapporo, Japan.
Huang, C. Y., Huang, C. H., Chen, C, W., Shin, T. S., Tsai, C. J., ‘’Exposure study of respirable and nanosized particles in a pigment-grade TiO2 powder plant” Abstract, 16th International Conference on Aerosol Science and Technology, Chaoyang University of Technology, Taichung, Taiwan, Sep. 25-26, 2009.